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Products>Kregel Biblical Studies Collection (8 vols.)

Kregel Biblical Studies Collection (8 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $245.93
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These commentaries and handbooks provide preachers and teachers the tools they need to craft sermons and lessons based on sound exegesis. Build your sermons with suggested homiletical outlines. Discover in-depth treatments of motifs throughout both the Old and New Testament and tackle the most difficult exegetical challenges with expert help.

These resources provide an in-depth understanding of biblical genres and strategies for interpretation. Dig into biblical passages with detailed examples of how to move from interpretation to preaching and teaching. These commentaries and guides include explorations of the theological themes and historical context of the biblical authors, providing the tools needed for sound exegesis.

Key Features

  • Explores the background, grammar, textual issues, and more of Judges, Ruth, and Psalms
  • Includes exegetical insights by top Old Testament scholars
  • Guides readers in the interpretation and preaching of the Bible
  • Provides practical examples of sound exegesis

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2 ratings

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  1. Frederick Morris
  2. Rob




Collection value: $245.93
Save $75.94 (30%)
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