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Products>The Works of A. E. Breen (6 vols.)

The Works of A. E. Breen (6 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $77.44
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The Works of A. E. Breen (6 vols.) brings Breen's celebrated four-volume Harmonized Exposition of the Four Gospels together with two other works from this important Catholic theologian: A General Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture and A Diary of My Life in the Holy Land.

In A Harmonized Exposition of the Four Gospels, Breen weaves together the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John into one, complete narrative. In addition, Breen provides a critical commentary adapted for preaching pastors, which emphasizes the moral application of the words and deeds of Christ.

In A General Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture, Breen begins his exploration of the Bible by dedicating almost two hundred pages to its inspiration—"The existence of divinely inspired Scripture is so essentially bound up with the existence of religion itself that they stand or fall together." From there he explores the Canon of the Old and New Testaments, the Council of Trent, different versions of the Bible, the authority of the Vulgate, and more. And in A Diary of My Life in the Holy Land, Breen recounts his year of studying in Jerusalem in 1904, documenting the people, places, and things he encountered during his travels in Palestine and the surrounding area. His exciting travelogue is accompanied by over 300 photographs.

With the Logos Bible Software edition all Scripture passages in The Works of A. E. Breen (6 vols.) are tagged and appear on mouse-over. This makes these resources more powerful and easier to access than ever before for scholarly work or personal Bible study. With the advanced search features of Logos Bible Software, you can perform lightning-quick searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of “resurrection” or “John 1:14.”

Examples of the photographs included in the The Works of A. E. Breen (6 vols.):

Key Features

  • Four-volume harmony of the Gospels
  • A Diary of My Life in the Holy Land contains over 300 photographs
  • Advanced searching by passage and topic
  • Passage guides and reports assist your research, sermon preparation, and study

Product Details

  • Title: The Works of A. E. Breen
  • Author: A. E. Breen
  • Publisher: John P. Smith
  • Volumes: 6
  • Pages: 4,239
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About Arthur Edward Breen

Arthur Edward Breen was born in Amity, New York in 1863. Ordained in 1893, Breen was the rector of St. Patrick's Church in Mount Morris, New York, and Professor of Exegesis and Hebrew at St. Bernard's Theological Seminary.


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    Collection value: $77.44
    Save $23.45 (30%)