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Unspoken Sermons

Digital Logos Edition

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George MacDonald’s Unspoken Sermons includes sermons arranged in a progressive series, building upon one another. Throughout the series MacDonald is more concerned with people developing a love of God than developing dogmas. His sermons are focused more on doing the will of God than believing true things about God. In volume one, MacDonald examines the characteristics of faith, God’s love, and God’s call to love others.

Top Highlights

“Forgiveness can never be indifference. Forgiveness is love towards the unlovely.” (Page 78)

“Nothing is required of man that is not first in God.” (Page 9)

“It is because we hope not for them in thee, not knowing thee, not knowing thy love, that we are so hard and so heartless to the brothers and sisters whom thou hast given us.” (Page 214)

“The one use of the Bible is to make us look at Jesus, that through him we might know his Father and our Father, his God and our God.” (Page 55)

“He will have purity. It is not that the fire will burn us if we do not worship thus; but that the fire will burn us until we worship thus; yea, will go on burning within us after all that is foreign to it has yielded to its force, no longer with pain and consuming, but as the highest consciousness of life, the presence of God.” (Page 31)


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