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Daily Study Bible Series: I & II Samuel

Digital Logos Edition

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The Daily Study Bible Series: I & II Samuel The complete Daily Study Bible—Old Testament follows the brilliant pattern of William Barclay's popular Daily Study Bible—New Testament. Written by accomplished interpreters of the OT, these volumes combine the depth of scholarship, the critical style, and the grace that characterized Barclay's writing.

Top Highlights

“he God whom it symbolized could not be manipulated nor pushed around.” (Page 185)

“Stuart Holden has written, ‘To honour God does not necessarily imply doing great things for Him. It is rather the consistently maintained attitude of heart which refers every choice to His judgment, measures every value by His standard, and endeavours to make every incident of life contribute towards the glorifying of His Name.’” (Page 21)

“At this stage in his career, said Nathan, David despised God, indeed utterly scorned the Lord. Such an attitude was no doubt completely subconscious, but it revealed itself in David’s willingness to break God’s commandments.” (Page 209)

“Christian leadership cannot depend on past successes, but must rest on continuing faith and on the constant renewal of the gifts of God.” (Page 87)

“those who honour me I will honour, and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed.” (Page 21)


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