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Products>Faith, Love and Hope: An Exposition of the Epistle of James

Faith, Love and Hope: An Exposition of the Epistle of James

, 1997
ISBN: 9780899575582

Digital Logos Edition

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This study is one of the most extended expository works on that much neglected, though eminently practical, book of James. Dr. Zodhiates spent three years studying the book of James, and it changed his life dramatically. He brings from the depths of thought of the Greek text of James the immense spiritual wealth of this life-changing epistle. Dr. Zodhiates does this in such a way that the result will be useful both for the preacher and the general Christian reader and worker.

Top Highlights

“Sophía among the Jews was primarily recognized as an attribute of God and later became identified with the Spirit of God. I believe that is what James is speaking of here. He does not speak of wisdom as the world thinks of it, but speaks of the necessity of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling every believer and then, and only then, can the Christian be the master of circumstances. Unless there is within us that which is above us, we shall soon yield to that which is about us.” (James 1:5)

“Now what is the nature of this virtue called patience? The simple etymology of the word is that it is composed of the preposition húpo, which means primarily ‘under,’ and the word (in its verbal form, of course) ménō, which means ‘to stay, to abide, to stand fast.’ It is the picture of being under pressure and, instead of trying to escape, of staying there, of standing fast.” (James 1:3)

“An unbeliever listening to the Word of truth usually is very uncomfortable, especially if he resists the call of the gospel to salvation. That discomfort may very easily turn to real anger. There is an easy way of making an unbeliever, a persistent unbeliever, angry, and that is to continue to speak to him the Word of truth. That is an example of man’s wrath.” (James 1:19)

“The verse begins with the word kauchasthō, ‘let him boast,’ which is in the emphatic imperative. It is as if James were commanding the Christian to boast.” (James 1:9)

“It is just assuring Him that we are aware of our dependence upon Him.” (James 1:5)


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