Digital Logos Edition
This substantial revision of a highly successful textbook takes into account the latest advances in methodology and resources. For more than two decades, Stuart has been providing a step-by-step guide teaching how to write an exegetical paper on the Old Testament. Now a new generation of students has an indispensable tool for serious biblical interpretation.
“An exegesis is a thorough, analytical study of a biblical passage done so as to arrive at a useful interpretation of the passage. Exegesis is a theological task, but not a mystical one.” (Page 1)
“Where does the passage fit within the whole corpus of revelation comprising Christian (dogmatic) theology?” (Page 24)
“Note: As a rule, it is considered far more convincing to disagree with a scholar’s views if you have also given him or her proper commendation for those views of his or hers on your passage that you do agree with, and to state your own conclusions modestly rather than stridently.” (Page 26)
“Exegesis as a process can be quite dull. Its results, fortunately, can often be exciting. Exciting or not, the results should always at least be of genuine practical value to the believer or something is wrong with the exegesis.” (Page 1)
“The Bible is such a historically oriented revelation that ignoring historical context tends to assure misinterpretation.” (Pages 43–44)