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Products>Becoming a Christian

Becoming a Christian

ISBN: 9780877841005

Digital Logos Edition

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Stott describes conversion in this updated booklet. He describes the fundamental human problem. Next, Stott outlines the Christian answer to it and shows readers how to respond to God’s truth. This useful volume provides a helpful overview for evangelism or for personal devotion.

Top Highlights

“I must acknowledge myself to be in God’s sight a helpless sinner” (Page 17)

“I must believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to be the very Savior I have just admitted I need” (Page 18)

“Thirdly, as light and darkness can never live together, neither can God and sin” (Page 9)

“I must come to Christ and claim my personal share in what he did for everybody” (Page 19)

“It was but an impressive outward symbol of the darkness of our sin which was engulfing the soul of the Savior” (Page 12)


4 ratings

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  1. Jonathan P. Shockey
  2. Nicusor Curteanu
  3. Ruslan Kazakov
  4. Glenn Crouch

    Glenn Crouch


    Must be about 40 years since I last read this little book - so well time to give it another read :) Stott does a good job in putting together an easy-to-read little booklet on what is involved in becoming a Christian. I do dislike the usage of "Jesus standing at the door of your life knocking" as that passage from Revelation is talking to Churches rather than individual - and I would argue that if we are to apply this image to our salvation, we also have to have Jesus inside our life helping us to open the door :) Whilst I really like the final chapter on "Some Final Suggestions" and bit more emphasis on Grace would be good :)
