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Products>Islamic Studies Collection (34 vols.)

Islamic Studies Collection (34 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $334.16
Save $234.17 (70%)


With over 1.5 billion followers worldwide, Islam is the second-largest and one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. As an aid for comparative religion studies, the Islamic Studies Collection brings together 34-volumes that provide an extensive background on the Islamic faith, its founder and prophet Muhammad, and its relation to the Bible, Jesus Christ, and Christianity. Important for apologetics and missionary work, the volumes in this collection provide:

  • A complete history of the life of Muhammad, including William Muir's 4-volume classic The Life of Mahomet
  • A detailed history of Islam
  • The origins and history of the Qur'an
  • Detailed examinations comparing the Bible and the Qur'an
  • Studies of the two major sects of Islam, the Shi'ites and Sunnites.
  • Comparison studies between Jesus Christ and Muhammad
  • A Dictionary of Islam for quick reference to customs, doctrines, holidays, and more
  • Handbooks for missionaries
  • In-depth examinations into Islamic doctrines
  • And much, much more!
  • Key histories and studies on the Islamic faith
  • Detailed examinations of the life of Muhammad
  • Ideal for comparative religion studies
  • Both the English and the Arabic translations of the Qur'an included
  • Title: Islamic Studies Collection
  • Volumes: 34
  • Pages: 10,024
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||Partially included
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19 ratings

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  1. Peter Agboola

    Peter Agboola


    This collection is an excellent resource! The job of Christian preachers is to expose Islam, not to protect Islam. Ephesians 5:11 ~ "And do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead even expose them."
  2. Kevin Bratcher
  3. Tom



    Faith Life: It has been over six years since this collection was first offered, how about breaking it up so we can pick and chose? It is about time don´t you think?
  4. db



    Dear Logos, Long time devoted user - first time complainer (usually accordance deserves my ire more than faith life!) At least with Logos you get what you pay for, and your PB tools have become immensely helpful for translating texts as a PhD student. However, this collection, and the other 'resources' on Islam are appalling. Not only are they so dated as to be useless, they are so evidently biased and inaccurate as to be dangerous! Seriously, it's really pathetic that you are pushing a collection that was mostly published before 1904, ya know, back when people called Muslims Mohammadians or spelled it 'Mohamet'. This collection- and frankly most of your resources on Islam - are biased and misleading. I have yet to see one thing, except maybe the mediocre versions of the Quran that are not aimed at converting Muslims or explaining the 'insidious rise and spread of Islam'. It is beneath you as a company that produces reliable, scholarly digital works to peddle such crap. Really, it makes me embarrassed that I have bought so many of your products!
  5. Chris Lindley
    Most of these resources are very old...there's been a lot of new scholarly research into the Qur'an's origins, and I agree with others that the Hadith ought to be included, an interlinear Qur'an, and even some of the early tafsir (commentary) would be very helpful.
  6. Simeon



  7. Christopher B

    Christopher B


    It would be good to have a copy of Ibn Ishaq's biography of Muhammad available in this Collection too.
  8. Matthew Candler
    AND an interlinear Arabic Quran!
  9. David Leslie Bond
  10. Stephen Pallot

    Stephen Pallot



Collection value: $334.16
Save $234.17 (70%)