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Products>Faith in the Age of Reason

Faith in the Age of Reason

ISBN: 9780745951300

Digital Logos Edition

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Jonathan Hill begins by describing how the Middle Ages came to an end with the Renaissance and the Reformation, setting the scene for the Enlightenment. Hill then concentrates on the central themes and characteristics of this turbulent period: the Churches, the New Science, the New Philosophy, the Question of Authority, Politics and Society, God, Humanity and the World, and the Reaction and the Legacy. Key figures that Hill features are: Samuel Johnson, Galileo, Newton, Descartes, Hume, Voltaire, Pascal, Locke, Diderot, Rousseau and Kant. The Age of Reason was an age when world views clashed and new ways of understanding emerged. Faith in the Age of Reason examines what these powerful new ideas were, and how they impacted on Christianity.


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