Digital Logos Edition
In this definitive study on what the Bible says about grace, Dr. Jack Cottrell engages the reader in a sweeping review of every passage of Scripture that teaches on this important truth. Primarily focusing on Paul’s teaching in Romans 1-8 as well as drawing from many other texts in both testaments, Dr. Cottrell presents a simple, practical, and thorough case for an accurate biblical view of God’s grace.
“Christianity is more than a religion, because every religion has one basic characteristic. Its followers are trying to reach God, find God, please God through their own efforts. Religions reach up toward God. Christianity is God reaching down to man. Christianity claims that men have not found God, but that God has found them.” (Page 29)
“Taking all of the biblical words for love together, and not limiting ourselves to just agapē, we may define God’s love thus: ‘God’s love is His self-giving affection for His image-bearing creatures, and His unselfish concern for their well-being, that lead Him to act on their behalf and for their happiness and welfare.’” (Page 37)
“In all that we do, even in our pursuit of salvation, what we should be seeking first of all is to honor and glorify God our Savior and King.” (Page 27)
“It is important to see that the two parts of the double curse are two distinct problems requiring two distinct and different kinds of solutions. One is an objective legal problem requiring a legal solution; the other is a problem with our own inner personal condition and requires a healing of our very nature.” (Page 71)
“When God justifies us, He is not declaring that we are innocent and have never broken the law’s commands. Rather, justification is God’s declaration that we are right with the law in reference to its penalty. It means that God treats us not as if we are innocent, because we are not; rather, it means that He treats us as if our penalty has already been paid—which it has!” (Pages 178–179)
Anyone who wants to understand the relationship between faith and works NEEDS to read this book. Dr. Cottrell has made a lifelong study of the subject of grace and his analysis of how all the Scriptures on this subject relate to each other and to our life in Christ is spot on.
—Online Reviewer
Jack Cottrell has served on the Cincinnati Bible Seminary faculty since 1967. He has taught nearly 70 times to almost 2,000 seminary students.