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Products>What the Bible Says about the Holy Spirit: Power from on High

What the Bible Says about the Holy Spirit: Power from on High

ISBN: 9780899005171

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The person and work of the Holy Spirit is a neglected study in many churches. Some Christians think that the subject is so deep and mysterious that it is futile to study it. Others hesitate to emphasize the study of the Holy Spirit since some religious groups hold such extreme views regarding Him. Still it is encouraging to see many Christians making a serious study of the Bible’s teaching on the Holy Spirit. Dr. Jack Cottrell with his “leave no stone unturned” approach to studying Scripture, has completed the research for us as he examines the many concepts and characteristics of the Holy Spirit.

Top Highlights

“How does that talent become a ‘spiritual gift’? The first step is for the Christian to acknowledge that his talent is indeed a providential gift of God (Jas 1:17; 1 Cor 4:7), and the second step is for that person to prayerfully and submissively dedicate that talent to the service of God and God’s people. The third step is then to wait for the Spirit to give him or her a ministry.” (Page 424)

“The fourth personal activity attributed to the Holy Spirit is teaching.” (Page 35)

“What is the line, then, between the forgivable and the unforgivable? When do open hostility against and attacks upon Jesus become blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? The answer seems to be this: when one knows in his heart that Jesus’ Messiahship has been fully confirmed and authenticated by the power of the Holy Spirit, but continues to reject Christ anyway.” (Page 232)

“The third main connotation of ruach is most relevant for our purposes. Over 230 times this Hebrew word is translated ‘spirit,’ mostly in the sense of spiritual entities or nonmaterial personal beings.” (Page 13)

“Since breath in human beings is associated with life, some connect ruach with life-giving power and see God’s ruach as the source of life.” (Pages 12–13)

Product Details

  • Title: What the Bible Says about the Holy Spirit: Power from on High
  • Author: Jack Cottrell
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 506

About Jack Cottrell

Jack Cottrell is Professor of Theology at Cincinnati Christian University. He received his BA and ThB from Cincinnati Bible College & Seminary; BA from the University of Cincinnati; MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary; and his PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary.


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  1. Stevan Atkins

    Stevan Atkins



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