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Products>Martyn Lloyd-Jones Expositions 2 (3 vols.)

Martyn Lloyd-Jones Expositions 2 (3 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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This collection includes three works by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones—one of the twentieth century’s leading voices in British evangelical doctrine. A gifted preacher and writer, he served as minister of the Westminster Chapel in London for 30 years. The resultant wisdom and experience found in his written works has had a profound influence upon the Christian church and the lives of many worldwide.

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  • Explores themes of praise, happiness, and repentance
  • Focuses on the gospel and the implications for us today
  • Emphasizes God’s mercy through Christ
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Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) was born in Wales. He was a dairyman’s assistant, a political enthusiast, debater, and chief clinical assistant to Sir Thomas Harder, the King’s Physician. But at the age of 27 he gave up a most promising medical career to become a preacher. He had a far-reaching influence through his ministry at Westminster Chapel in London, England from 1938-68. His published works have had an unprecedented circulation, selling in millions of copies.


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