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Products>Theology of the Prophetic Books: The Death and Resurrection of Israel

Theology of the Prophetic Books: The Death and Resurrection of Israel

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Donald Gowan offers a unified reading of the prophetic books, showing that each has a distinctive contribution to make to a central theme. These books—Isaiah through Malachi—respond to three key moments in Israel’s history: the end of the Northern Kingdom in 722 BCE, the end of the Southern Kingdom in 587 BCE, and the beginning of the restoration from the Babylonian exile in 538 BCE. Gowan traces the theme of death and resurrection throughout these accounts, finding a symbolic message of particular significance to Christian interpreters of the Bible.

Key Features

  • Focuses on the prophetic authors’ explanations of God’s interaction with Israel
  • Explores the unifying factors of the prophetic messages
  • Traces the themes of death and resurrection through the prophetic books


  • The Prophets as Theologians
  • Part One: Death: 722 and 587 B.C.E.
  • Part Two: Resurrection: 538 B.C.E. and the Postexillic Period

Product Details

About Donald E. Gowan

Donald E. Gowan is Robert Cleveland Holland Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is a minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and has authored several books on the Old Testament, including Theology in Exodus and Theology of the Prophetic Books.

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