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Studies in the Sermon on the Mount

ISBN: 0851105831

Digital Logos Edition

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A spiritual classic, Studies in the Sermon on the Mount provides a detailed and comprehensive study by one of the greatest expository preachers of our time explains Christ’s teaching in the Sermon on the Mount and incisively applies it to the Christian life.

With characteristic vigor and emotional vitality Dr. Lloyd-Jones presents a brilliant and detailed exposition of one of the best known but most frequently misunderstood passages of Scripture. Here is a comprehensive and exhaustive study of our Lord’s words as recorded in Matthew chapter five. This beautiful portion of the Sermon on the Mount is carefully analysed, its contents outlined and thoughtfully arranged, and vastly rich and abundant truths are gleaned for the reader’s spiritual nurture.

Dr. Lloyd-Jones brought a wealth of devoted study as well as a profound spiritual appreciation to the work of interpreting this greatest address of our delightful experience in meditation. It presents depth of thought in simple language and beauty of style and contains a veritable thesaurus of spiritual truths drawn from the entire Bible. Originally delivered as sermons, the sixty studies in this devotional classic provide a fine example of clear, consecutive expository preaching from one of the greatest preachers of our time.

  • Explores the fundamentals of Christian life
  • Addresses the theological, pastoral, and practical implications
  • Provides a classic model of consecutive expository preaching

Volume One: Matthew 5:1–48

  • General Introduction
  • General View and Analysis
  • An Introduction to the Beatitudes
  • Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
  • Blessed Are they That Mourn
  • Blessed Are the Meek
  • Righteousness and Blessedness
  • The Tests of Spiritual Appetite
  • Blessed Are the Merciful
  • Blessed Are the Pure In Heart
  • Blessed Are the Peacemakers
  • The Christian and Persecution
  • Rejoicing in Tribulation
  • The Salt of the Earth
  • The Light of the World
  • Let Your Light So Shine
  • Christ and the Old Testament
  • Christ Fulfilling the Law and the Prophets
  • Righteousness Exceeding That of the Scribes and Pharisees
  • The Letter and the Spirit
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill
  • The Exceeding Sinfulness Of Sin
  • The Mortification Of Sin
  • Christ’s Teaching On Divorce
  • The Christian and the Taking Of Oaths
  • An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth
  • The Cloak and the Second Mile
  • Enying Self and Following Christ
  • Love Your Enemies
  • What Do Ye More Than Others?

Volume Two: Matthew 6 and 7

  • Living the Righteous Life
  • How to Pray
  • Fasting
  • When Ye Pray
  • Prayer Adoration
  • Prayer Petition
  • Treasures on Earth and in Heaven
  • God or Mammon
  • Sins Foul Bondage
  • Be Not Anxious
  • Birds and Flowers
  • Little Faith
  • Increasing Faith
  • Worry Its Causes and Cure
  • Judge Not
  • The Mote and the Beam
  • Spiritual Judgment and Discrimination
  • Seeking and Finding
  • The Golden Rule
  • The Strait Gate
  • The Narrow Way
  • False Prophets
  • The Tree and the Fruit
  • False Peace
  • Unconscious Hypocrisy
  • The Signs of Self-Deception
  • The Two Men and the Two Houses
  • Rock or Sand?
  • The Trial and the Tests of Faith
  • Conclusion

Top Highlights

“The Sermon on the Mount is nothing but a great and grand and perfect elaboration of what our Lord called His ‘new commandment’. His new commandment was that we love one another even as He has loved us. The Sermon on the Mount is nothing but a grand elaboration of that. If we are Christ’s and our Lord has meant that word for us, that we should love one another even as He loved us, here we are shown how to do it.” (Page 19)

“What, then, is meekness? I think we can sum it up in this way. Meekness is essentially a true view of oneself, expressing itself in attitude and conduct with respect to others. It is therefore two things. It is my attitude towards myself; and it is an expression of that in my relationship to others.” (Page 72)

“Let me now lay down a number of controlling principles which should govern the interpretation of this Sermon. What is of supreme importance is that we must always remember that the Sermon on the Mount is a description of character and not a code of ethics or of morals. It is not to be regarded as law—a kind of new ‘Ten Commandments’ or set of rules and regulations which are to be carried out by us—but rather as a description of what we Christians are meant to be, illustrated in certain particular respects.” (Page 32)

“The whole of chapter 6, I suggest, relates to the Christian as living his life in the presence of God, in active submission to Him, and in entire dependence upon Him.” (Page 29)

“Then chapter 7 can be regarded in general as an account of the Christian as one who lives always under the judgment of God, and in the fear of God.” (Page 30)

A spiritual classic.

—John R. W. Stott

Books on the Sermon on the Mount are legion, but Lloyd-Jones’ penetrating work deserves to be classed among the very best of them. . . These messages deal seriously with the meaning of the biblical text, probe deeply into the human heart, and come to grips with humanity’s profoundest needs.

Southwestern Journal of Theology

One of the most important studies of Matthew 5–7 in print. Lloyd-Jones speaks plainly and forcefully. He is loyal to the word of God and offers ample reason for the Christian gospel and hope. A reading of this book cannot help but bring a fuller understanding of and love for the Sermon on the Mount.


Lloyd-Jones has written some of the best stuff ever. His Studies in the Sermon on the Mount will thrill your soul.

Restoration Review

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899–1981) is recognized as one of the last century’s most gifted preachers and writers. He was influential in the Reformed wing of the British evangelical movement in the 20th century.

Lloyd-Jones first studied medicine, but left that field and went to Wales in 1927 to follow his calling to preach. He became the minister of a Welsh Presbyterian Church in Abervon, South Wales where he ministered for a decade.

In 1929, Lloyd-Jones went to London where he was appointed the associate pastor of Westminster Chapel working alongside G. Campbell Morgan. This ministry lasted for 30 years until Lloyd-Jones retired in 1968. He also served at Inter-Varsity Fellowship of Students which is known today as the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship.

Through his books and commentaries, Lloyd Jones has had a profound influence upon the Christian church and the lives of many worldwide. His books include The Gospel in Genesis: From Fig Leaves to Faith, Great Doctrines of the Bible, and the titles in the Crossway D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Collection and Select Expositions of Martyn Lloyd-Jones.


8 ratings

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  1. Berechiah



  2. Mateo Salinas

    Mateo Salinas


    What an amazing collection.
  3. Darae



  4. Mark Stroud

    Mark Stroud


  5. Aaron Sauer

    Aaron Sauer


  6. Luis Vicuna

    Luis Vicuna


  7. unnamedfoundation
  8. David Keddie

    David Keddie


    This is the best thing I've read on the sermon on the mount.
  9. Hugh Keith

    Hugh Keith


    This is one of the greatest treatments of the sermon on the mount i’ve read
  10. James Doyle Moore
    I have read the print version of this marvelous work. I believe all Christians should read Lloyd-Jones and especially this collection.


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