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Lexham Research Commentaries (33 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $1,444.63
Save $244.64 (16%)
Starting at $72.65/mo at checkout

Jumpstart Your Research

The Lexham Research Commentary is your starting point for study and research. Each volume gives you the tools you need to find answers quickly. This commentary is designed to do the time-consuming work of searching through commentaries, journal articles, and monographs to find the information you need, saving you valuable time by curating all of the best literature in one place—it’s a commentary on the commentaries. The annotated notes on the various viewpoints and interpretive options within the text allow you to quickly synthesize a broad range of views on a particular passage. Dense, jargon-filled research is distilled into easy-to-understand comments. As you critically study the text, the contextual notes help you place the passage within the narrow context of the biblical book and the broader context of the entire canon.


The Lexham Research Commentaries were formerly known as the Lexham Bible Guides.

A Smart Way to Study the Bible

  • Find things fast. There’s no need to locate, read, and notate dozens of reference materials. Everything is in one spot. It’s concise enough to digest, but broad enough so you know everything’s covered.
  • See connections. The overview format leads you to research topics you may have never read about or heard of. This snapshot view of the text provides an ideal starting point for sermon preparation or academic research.
  • Gain perspective. You’ll get an overview of all the relevant issues related to a particular biblical passage, from exegetical topics like structure and genre, to interpretive issues presented by commentators. You’ll also find links to lexicons and commentaries for word studies in Logos, plus lots of links to related literature for further study. Everything is organized and summarized in one spot—only a click away.
  • Designed digital-first. These commentaries are written from the ground up to take full advantage of Logos’ platform. The interconnectivity of the Lexham Research Commentaries within the Logos library provides you with relevant, curated content at a click. There’s no need to flip through pages, pore over commentaries, or search through dictionaries. You get access to the best content available—instantly.

Product Details

  • Title: Lexham Research Commentaries
  • Series Editor: Douglas Mangum
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Volumes: 33
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
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About the Series Editor

Douglas Mangum is an academic editor for Lexham Press. He holds a PhD in Hebrew from the University of Free State and holds an MA in Hebrew and Semitic Studies from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is a Lexham English Bible and Lexham Research Commentary editor, a Faithlife Study Bible contributing editor, a Studies in Faithful Living co-author, a regular Bible Study Magazine contributor, and a frequently consulted specialist for the Lexham Bible Dictionary.


13 ratings

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  1. Timothy A. Hawks
  2. Jim Lowther

    Jim Lowther


    I share everyone's concern about buying a Logos product that has not been published. Every time this happens it shakes my confidence in Logos' credibility (I am also still waiting on EEC volumes), and I wish Logos would just not do it. I do think the remaining volumes will appear sooner than the EEC, but I wonder why Logos doesn't just offer a pre-pup listing. I really don't know if I buy in at the March Madness price or not. For me that means paying $260 (plus tax) for unpublished items. Logos: Please just say no to vaporware.
  3. Terry Thompson
    BEWARE March Madness Voters: Nearly HALF of this set is not yet published!!! Details: 17 (51%) of the 33 volumes of this set are published; 16 (49%) volumes of the set ARE NOT PUBLISHED so you are paying in advance for something you may not get for years. 2 (Revelation v 1 and 2) of the 16 unfinished volumes don’t even have a writer assigned to them yet.
  4. Ray Mills

    Ray Mills


  5. Terry Thompson
    While I recognize the Lexham Research Commentaries series is not the same as the Evangelical Exegetical Series (EEC), as Matt Hamrick mentions in his review on 8/2/2023, I might note that a careful review of the 16 volumes not yet published as of 8/18/2023 (see list of unpublished volumes details in this set below) produces the following observations: only one author of one unpublished volume is identified as "Contracted with Faithlife" as a contributing editor for Logos Mobile Education, eight authors of eleven unpublished volumes are faculty/missionaries employed by other entities, one author of two unpublished volumes has no current job title listed, and two volumes have no assigned authors. Why is this important? Because unpublished volumes written by authors employed by other entities (while possibly under contract with Lexham Press) are first committed to their current employers and may or may not produce their volumes in a timely manner (similar to the situation with EEC production). Obviously, the two volumes in Revelation that have no product page or apparently no author assigned to them will take a bit to produce since they are not yet even assigned or started. HENCE, again, I suggest purchasers ONLY PURCHASE PUBLISHED EDITIONS OUTRIGHT and purchase the remaining unpublished editions as PRE-PUB EDITIONS to take advantage of the discount while not being billed for the unpublished volumes until there is proof of publication. Of course, everyone may do as they choose; I'm simply stating this because of the lessons learned with the EEC which has been in production since 2009 and has only had approximately 25% of its content produced. Many paid in advance for the entire set and nearly 15 years later are still missing approximately 75% of the content they purchased in good faith. CAVEAT EMPTOR - Let the buyer beware. Here's the details on the unpublished Lexham Research Commentary editions available from the Logos website (product pages) as of 8/18/2023: RUTH Ships Q4-2023 Amy Balogh Lead Lecturer of Religious Studies at the Regis University College of Contemporary Liberal Studies EZRA In Production Kazuyuki Hayashi Associate Professor of Old Testament at Bethel Seminary DANIEL Ships Q4-2023 Wendy Widder Contracts with Faithlife as a contributing editor for Logos Mobile Education MATTHEW In Production H. Daniel Zacharias Associate Dean/Associate Professor of New Testament Studies at Acadia Divinity College MARK In Production Jeremy D. Otten Senior Researcher in New Testament at the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven LUKE In Production David H. Wenkel Adjunct faculty for Trinity Evangelical Divinity School JOHN In Production Gary T. Manning Jr. Professor of New Testament and director of the M.Div. program at Talbot School of Theology at Biola University ACTS In Production David H. Wenkel Adjunct faculty for Trinity Evangelical Divinity School HEBREWS In Production Timothy Bertolet works with the missionary sending agency ABWE International JAMES In Production Tyler James Milliken Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia) 2 PETER Ships Q4-2023 Paul A. Himes No current job title identified 1 JOHN In Production Tyler James Milliken Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia) 2-3 JOHN In Production Tyler James Milliken Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia) JUDE Ships Oct 2023 Paul A. Himes No current job title identified REVELATION 1-11 No author assigned No author assigned No author assigned REVELATION 12-22 No author assigned No author assigned No author assigned Should someone have additional or new information available regarding this set, please cite your sources. All of the detailed information listed above comes directly from Logos' website product pages as of 8/18/2023.
  6. Matt Hamrick

    Matt Hamrick


    This is not the EEC. Most all of these volumes are produced by members of the Faithlife team in Faithlife headquarters. The authors are available so this set will be finished. The Evangelical Exegetical Commentary has to be outsourced to find authors. The two products are apples and oranges and it's not fair to bash Faithlife or Lexham Press for the LRC when our issue is with the EEC.
  7. Louis Vigo

    Louis Vigo


    Excellent series so far. A much needed asset to my library. However, only buy the published set. I went ahead and paid for the whole thing, which maybe I'll save money in the long run, but there is not set date and who knows if it'll ever get finished. Hopefully it will. If it does I will update and add Stars to my review
  8. Terry Thompson
    Consider the Lexham Research Commentaries: Paul's Letters Collection ( and you'll get 13 of the 17 published editions. The good news is all of these editions are published so you are getting exactly what you pay for. No "pay now and wait forever" plan like many of us have experienced with the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary set (only 11--if you count the four volumes that are only half published as two "complete" volumes--of the 44 volumes have been published in over FOURTEEN YEARS). On September 9, 2010, John Dyer wrote the following of the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (EEC) set: "In 2009, Logos, the company that makes one of the dominant Bible software packages, resurrected the [EEC] project and decided to make it 100% digital with print as a byproduct (they will offer paperback editions, but only in an abridged format)." So, folks, it's been since 2009 that some have waited on the 44 volume set of the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary set. When some have asked for refunds for unpublished editions, their requests have been either denied or ignored. Now, perhaps you can understand the hesitancy in purchasing, in full, a commentary set that is only 51.5% available now--you are financing the remaining 49.5% of the work up-front with no commitment to a timeline, or for that matter, fulfillment at all. Let the buyer beware of purchasing from Faithlife/Logos/Lexham Press that are not yet published and available for immediate download; by their practice, it is unclear whether or not they will fulfill on their commitment to publish and make available future "publications."
  9. Terry Thompson
    Only 17 of these 33 volumes are available today; the remaining 16 volumes remain to be written and published. I would strongly suggest you only buy published editions or, at the very least, a bundle of the 20-vol bundle where only 3 of the volumes are unpublished. Michael Billington and Charles Savelle put it best: Michael: "Sad to say, but after paying in full and being burned by the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (only 13 out of 44 volumes released) and still waiting years after the initial sales pitch, I will never again pay in full for a series up front and wait for the future volumes to be released years later, or perhaps never. I'd rather wait and purchase a volume as needed for full price than have my funds tied up for years for volumes that may never be released. I would commit to purchase thjs set as a pre-pub, but not under this "pay now and wait forever" plan." Charles: "I was looking at adding this but wondered even with the March Matchups sale why the price was so high. Then I noticed that it includes volumes not yet available. About 10 years ago I paid $757 for Logos' EEC series. As of today, only 13 of the 44 volumes are available. At this rate it will be at least another 20 years before I can access volumes that I have already paid for! Caveat emptor." Same goes for me. I'd be willing to consider purchase under a PRE-PUB condition where I am billed when the product is released but I will not purchase another set in advance of nearly half of the publications being written and published. LOGOS, please re-consider your offering and make these unpublished books available via PRE-PUB for 30% - 40% off retail as you so often do with pre-publications.
  10. Faithlife User

    Faithlife User


    I was looking at adding this but wondered even with the March Matchups sale why the price was so high. Then I noticed that it includes volumes not yet available.


Collection value: $1,444.63
Save $244.64 (16%)
Starting at $72.65/mo at checkout