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Products>T&T Clark Study Guides to the Old and New Testament (3 vols.)

T&T Clark Study Guides to the Old and New Testament (3 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $44.97
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T&T Clark Study Guides present the latest in biblical scholarship in an engaging format for students and those approaching biblical texts for the first time. Each book covers the historical or introductory issues surrounding the text before moving on to consider interpretative issues and the range of approaches available to readers of the text. The books include further reading lists and pointers for students looking to further their knowledge.

  • Presents concise commentary on the text while inviting the reader to explore further
  • Explores a variety of historical, textual, and theological issues
  • Guides readers through a number of interpretive options
  • Title: T&T Clark Study Guides to the Old and New Testament (3 vols.)
  • Series: T&T Clark Study Guides
  • Publisher: T&T Clark
  • Publication Date: 2020
  • Volumes: 3
  • Pages: 400
  • Resource Type: Study Guides
  • Topic: Biblical Studies
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1 rating

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  1. Jennifer Hebson
    I can only speak to the Hebrews study guide, but I found it engaging, easy to follow but also filled with lots of new ideas to consider in my studies. A great introduction for someone wanting to go deeper.


Collection value: $44.97
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