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Products>The College Press NIV Commentary: New Testament (CPNIV) (19 vols.)

The College Press NIV Commentary: New Testament (CPNIV) (19 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $313.81
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The College Press Commentary series, which is based on the New International Version Bible, blends solid scholarship with practical usefulness. It is a non-technical commentary written with the layperson, Bible study leader, preacher, or youthworker in mind.

The Logos Bible Software edition contains the complete text of all 19 printed volumes, totalling nearly 6,500 pages of commentary that works verse by verse through every book of the New Testament. The commentary can be set to scroll synchronously with your preferred Bible, can be instantly searched for a word, phrase, Bible reference, and more.

  • Nineteen volumes of The College Press Commentary
  • Verse-by-verse commentary
  • Search by word, phrase, Bible reference, and more
  • Title: College Press NIV Commentary Series: New Testament
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Volumes: 19
  • Pages: 6,514
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5 ratings

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  1. Faithlife User
    Conservative exegesis. Thorough rendering of terms from original language(s). Most include study questions to deepen understanding. Recommend.
  2. Dennis Wilson

    Dennis Wilson


  3. Mark Beard

    Mark Beard


  4. Danny Barulli

    Danny Barulli


  5. Ronald Lawrence
  6. Brian J Munro

    Brian J Munro



Collection value: $313.81
Save $63.82 (20%)
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