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The Risen Jesus & Future Hope

Digital Logos Edition

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Always be prepared,' wrote the apostle Peter, 'to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.' Reading and digesting this book will help. Gary R. Habermas begins his apologetic for Christianity by demonstrating the historicity of the resurrection of Christ. He then connects the resurrection to several key tenets of Christian theology, through paths not only historical, but also philosophical, counseling, and experiential. The resurrection, Habermas shows, is the central belief for every Christian, whether that person believes it was an actual historical event or not. But it is Habermas' illustration that Jesus quite literally rose bodily from the dead that makes this book so unique. The resurrection is not only the foundation for Christian belief past and present, but also the basis for future hope. What, for instance, does the resurrection of Jesus have to teach us about our own fear of death? Habermas' answers to this and other questions proves how essential the resurrection is to living a Christian life, and gives us great hope for the future.

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Top Highlights

“2) More specifically, the Gospels report Jesus’s claim that his miracles certified the truth of his message.” (Page 90)

“Here is the central issue: arguments regarding the strength of the laws of nature from the perspective of naturalistic premises cannot disprove the possibility that God performed an event in nature from outside of it.” (Page 6)

“The original charge that miracles cannot be investigated in terms of normal research methods would obtain only if we knew that such events did not occur at all, or if they happened only in some nonobjective realm.” (Page 4)

“Second, the actual evidence in support of non-Christian miracles is actually quite scanty.” (Page 95)

“First, non-Christian miracle-claims can be quite compatible with Christian belief.” (Page 94)


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