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For the Love of God’s Word: An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation

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An introduction to a clear method of biblical interpretation.

For the Love of God’s Word is an abridged, less technical version of Köstenberger and Patterson’s acclaimed Invitation to Biblical Interpretation. Students, teachers, and pastors alike will find this introduction to biblical hermeneutics to be an accessible resource with both breadth and substance.

Built on the premise that every passage requires careful scrutiny of its historical setting, literary dimension, and theological message, this volume teaches a simple threefold method that is applicable to every passage of Scripture regardless of genre. In addition, the book sets forth specific strategies for interpreting the various genres of Scripture, from poetry to epistle to prophecy. A final chapter is devoted to helpful Bible study resources that will equip the reader to apply Scripture to life.

This book will serve as a standard text for interpreting Scripture that is both academically responsible and accessible for pastors, teachers, and college students. This volume will enable students of Scripture to grow in love for God's Word as they grow in the disciplines of study and discernment.

  • Provides an accessible introduction to biblical hermeneutics with both breadth and substance
  • Teaches a simple threefold method that is applicable to every passage of Scripture
  • Includes specific strategies for interpreting the various genres of Scripture
  • Introducing the Hermeneutical Triad: History, Literature, and Theology

Part 1: History

  • Setting the Stage: Historical-Cultural Background

Part 2: Literature

  • Unit 1: Canon
  • The Old Testament Canon: Law, Prophets, and Writings
  • The New Testament Canon: Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and Apocalypse
  • Unit 2: Genre
  • Enjoying a Good Story: Old Testament Historical Narrative
  • A Word from the Wise: Poetry and Wisdom
  • Back to the Future: Prophecy
  • Hearing the Good News: New Testament Historical Narrative (Gospels and Acts)
  • Calling for Discernment: Parables
  • Going by the Letter: Epistles
  • Visions of the End: Apocalyptic Literature (Revelation)
  • Unit 3: Language
  • Context is King: Discerning Discourse Structure
  • A Matter of Semantics: Discerning Word Meanings

Part 3: Theology

  • Making the Connection: Getting Our Theology from the Bible
  • Getting Down to Earth: Using the Tools, Applying the Word

Top Highlights

“It follows that the text of Scripture, likewise, is not neutral, that is, malleable to a great variety of interpretations that lay equal claim to represent valid readings of a given passage. Nor is the text autonomous, that is, a law unto itself, as if it existed apart from the author who willed and wrote it into being. It is an authorially shaped and designed product that requires careful and respectful interpretation.” (Pages 17–18)

“First of all, it has a theological and doxological aspect (i.e., events are accomplished ultimately by God and to his praise). Second, it has a didactic dimension (i.e., it aims to teach proper response and conduct). And third, it has an aesthetic element as well (i.e., it is written in an artful manner that makes for a pleasing literary work).” (Page 107)

“Knowledge of the cultural background is especially important because of the great distance in time and differences between ancient and modern societies.” (Page 112)

“ is his approval we are seeking, for if God approves, no one else’s approval, or disapproval, ultimately matters” (Page 19)

“One of the major ingredients in many stories contained in the Old Testament is embedded oral discourse” (Page 105)

The great merit of Köstenberger’s and Patterson’s volume is its threedimension account of biblical interpretation. The authors rightly focus on the history, literature, and theology of the Bible—what they call the hermeneutical triad. Call it hermeneutics in real 3-D. A three-stranded hermeneutical cord may not be easily broken, but it’s easy to grasp by following this introductory textbook. Another merit is the authors’ reminder that biblical interpretation is not only about method but about virtue: a heart-felt humility before the divine text is as important as any heady procedure.

—Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

This book on biblical interpretation combines training in exegesis with a basic knowledge of hermeneutics. It urges careful consideration of historical, literary, and theological issues. Thus, historically, it includes helpful chronological charts, and much on cultural history. Its literary focus includes canon, genre, and language. Its theological dimension includes application. Genre is crucial: thus narrative, poetry, and wisdom are distinguished in the Old Testament; and parable, epistles, and apocalyptic, in the New. Why responsible interpretation requires toil and labor receives careful explanation. This book contains plenty of common sense, sanity, and love of Scripture. I commend it especially to students, teachers, and even pastors, as helping all of us to use the Bible responsibly and fruitfully.

—Anthony C. Thiselton, Professor Emeritus of Christian Theology, University of Nottingham

In this triad dance of history, literature, and theology, as they move across the floor of biblical interpretation, Köstenberger and Patterson excel at sorting through and clearly presenting massive amounts of material across a wide spectrum of cognate disciplines. Written in a downto-earth style, the book is as accessible as it is broad, as practical as it is informed on contemporary discussions of these difficult matters. From the particulars of Greek grammar and discourse analysis to helpful introductions on canon, biblical theology, and appropriate application, here one again and again finds a welcome orientation to the bread-and-butter concepts, sound practices, and tools needed for handling the biblical text responsibly and the spiritual posture for approaching it reverently. I am impressed and looking forward to putting this book in the hands of my students, who will find here a rich, expansive resource from which to draw guidance for years to come.

—George H. Guthrie, Benjamin W. Perry Professor of Bible, Union University


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