Digital Logos Edition
This Faithlife Ebook is being made into a Logos edition. Learn more about Logos editions.
“Take some time to consider how well you’re handling your blessings. Remember, God holds you accountable for what he’s given you, not what he’s given your neighbor. If you’ve grown up in a Christian environment, with years of Bible study opportunities, God expects you to know his Word. He’s not being unfair to expect obedience from you, because you clearly know what he wants you to do. The important thing in life is not who gets what but how well you manage what you get. As a Christian, you’ve received a lot, so be ready to give an account for what you’ve done with it.” (source)
“What words come to mind when you think about what God is like? Awesome? Almighty? Omnipotent? Holy? Did the word Jesus come to mind? When God the Father wanted to show us exactly what he was like, he sent his Son Jesus.” (source)
“It’s good to help your friends live the life God desires, but your priority should be to make sure your life pleases God” (source)
“Once they met Jesus, they changed their vocabulary, but they didn’t change their values” (source)
“the word appetite comes from the Latin word petere, meaning ‘to seek.’” (source)