Digital Logos Edition
The Evangelical Press Study Commentary brings you the best in biblical exposition from some of the most notable evangelical Reformed scholars. This series is aimed at the minister, theologian, layman, and serious student alike. Though comprehensive in content, the volumes are practical and straightforward. Each author presents a careful analysis of the biblical text to grow your understanding of Scripture, and delivers simple applications to challenge that growth.
Evangelical Press Study Commentaries are invaluable tools for ministers, theologians, and serious students of the Scriptures. This series is both ‘readable and user-friendly.’
—Banner of Truth
Overall this is a scholarly, reliable commentary from the evangelical Reformed perspective, which will enlighten the serious Bible student.
—Evangelicals Now
It is not over the head of the average reader, nor beneath those who know more. These volumes are for layman and minister alike.
—The Gospel Magazine
The EP Study Commentary series fills a needed gap in contemporary biblical commentary. The volumes in this series evidence and model careful biblical exposition and biblically grounded application in the service of the church. They do such in such a way as to be able to profit pastors, teachers, and readers without specialized theological training alike.
—Guy Waters, professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary
3 ratings
Maxim Farocanag
Huiseong Ryu
Debra W Bouey