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Products>Lexham Press Master Collection (602 vols.)

Lexham Press Master Collection (602 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $12,002.17
Save $2,002.18 (16%)
Starting at $422.65/mo at checkout

The Master Collection

The Master Collection is the complete library to-date from Lexham Press, including 602 resources built from the ground up to take advantage of the power of Logos Bible Software.

Lexham Press is devoted to advancing scholarship and equipping the church. Our goal is to help you interact with Scripture by engaging with biblical scholarship. Interconnected resources. Multimedia assets. Feature integration. All woven into biblically grounded content for your research, sermon prep, and personal devotions.

With Lexham Press and Logos Bible Software, your Bible study can reach a whole new level.

The Lexham Press Master Collection includes all add-on resources published through February 28, 2025.

  • Title: Lexham Press Master Collection
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Volumes: 602
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:


1 rating

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  1. Matt Hamrick

    Matt Hamrick


    Lexham Press is my number one publisher. I believe Lexham Press products fuel Logos Bible Software. Certainly you need to prioritize and use the products.


Collection value: $12,002.17
Save $2,002.18 (16%)
Starting at $422.65/mo at checkout