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Products>Genesis Expository Preaching Kit, M

Genesis Expository Preaching Kit, M

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $881.65
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Planning for an expositional sermon series on a book of the Bible typically involves hours of reading and studying the Bible and other resources before fleshing everything out. Often, preachers amass a small library for every book of the Bible.

The Genesis Expository Preaching Kit (M) does this for you. It curates the best Bible study materials (commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and expositional books) on the book of Genesis along with the Bible study tools you need to streamline your sermon prep and presentation—all at an affordable price.

The Genesis Expository Preaching Kit (M) includes everything in Genesis Expository Preaching Kit (S), plus resources like Genesis (The Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary | THOTC); Genesis: The Story We Haven’t Heard; Genesis and Christian Theology; The New American Commentary: Genesis 1–11:26; New American Commentary: Genesis 11:27–50:26; and more.

  • Enhances your library with top resources from trusted scholars
  • Focuses on particular books of the Bible for narrowed study
  • Provides content to help power the features in Logos
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    Collection value: $881.65
    Save $481.66 (54%)
    Payment plans available in cart