Digital Logos Edition
The Ultimate A-to-Z Resource to Common Expressions and Curious Words from the Bible
Martin Manser is a professional reference-book editor and Bible scholar who has compiled and edited more than 70 titles, including dictionaries and biblical reference works. He holds the BA Honours degree in linguistics and an M Phil degree, and he resides with his wife and children in England.
“Its purpose is (1) to explain what the King James translators meant when they used a word or phrase which is now obsolete or archaic, (2) to state what word or phrase is used to replace it in the revised versions or contemporary translations, and (3) to explain the meaning, use, and contemporary renderings of phrases and expressions that have become part of the English language.” (Page x)
“abhor’ forty-three times, to represent fourteen different Hebrew or Greek words.” (Page 2)
“Abhor’ now means ‘to hate vehemently,’ ‘to abominate,’ ‘to regard with loathing” (Page 2)
“he Hebrew verb shahah can mean ‘bow down,’ ‘make obeisance,’ or ‘worship.” (Page 501)
“ ‘to show due honor and respect to human beings as well as to God.’” (Page 501)