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Products>What Your Body Knows about God: How We Are Designed to Connect, Serve, and Thrive (audio)

What Your Body Knows about God: How We Are Designed to Connect, Serve, and Thrive (audio)




Have you ever had an experience where you felt particularly aware of God? If God is real and we are created in God’s image, then it makes sense that our minds and bodies would be designed with the perceptive ability to sense and experience God. Scientists are now discovering ways that our bodies are designed to connect with God. Research shows that our brain systems are wired to enable us to have spiritual experiences. The spiritual circuits that are used in prayer or worship are also involved in developing compassion for others. Our bodies have actually been created to love God and serve our neighbors. Award-winning journalist Rob Moll chronicles the fascinating ways in which our brains and bodies interact with God and spiritual realities. He reports on neuroscience findings that show how our brains actually change and adapt when engaged in spiritual practices. We live longer, healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives when we cultivate the biological spiritual capacity that puts us in touch with God. God has created our bodies to fulfill the Great Commandment; we are hardwired to commune with God and to have compassion and community with other people. Moll explores the neuroscience of prayer, how liturgy helps us worship, why loving God causes us to love others, and how a life of love and service leads to the abundant life for which we were created. Just as our physical bodies require exercise to stay healthy, so too can spiritual exercises and practices revitalize our awareness of God. Heighten your spiritual senses and discover how you have been designed for physical and spiritual flourishing. “Got a body? Wanna love God? Then this is your book, which means it is my book and everyone’s book. Here is the terrific news Rob Moll gathers and delivers from the smartest sources: not just that we have bodies, but we are bodies, and we’ve been marvelously wired and equipped to love God and serve our neighbor with and through these wondrous creations. Who does not need to hear this—our bodies are not a curse but a gift. Thank you, Mr. Moll.” “In What Your Body Knows about God, Rob Moll has successfully brought together research, personal experience, and biblical analysis to show how our bodies were made to engage with the Almighty God. You will be hard-pressed to find another book with such high-level research, while remaining a high-quality read. Pastors, parishioners, and nonbelievers will all benefit from this foundational work in understanding the intersection between humanity and divinity.” “This book goes behind the genetic curtain to show the intricate and exceptional design within our bodies to provide a groundbreaking point—we’re not only called to worship but beautifully wired to do so.” “Human biology may have lulled me to sleep in college, but What Your Body Knows about God kept me riveted and up way too late as Moll explores the fascinating connections between our physical and spiritual, the material and the mystical. A must read!” “Every day it seems we read about new scientific studies that reveal fascinating insights into the operation of the human mind and body. But as Christians we sometimes wonder whether these studies challenge our assumptions from the Bible. Will they attempt to explain away the power of prayer? The possibility of spiritual transformation? The need for intimate human community? My friend Rob Moll has helped us by pulling together the latest research and showing how it fits with Christian teaching on how we grow in love of God and each other. I hope you learn as much as I did about God’s wonderful plan of creation.” “Rob Moll uses the best in neuroscience to illuminate what biblical scholars have been telling us about God’s purpose for embodied existence. We are not alien souls locked in inhospitable bodies, but we were made to be spiritual through our flesh and bone. This is an important book for couples who care about each other’s bodies to read together.” “Marshaling cutting-edge neuroscience, theological acumen, and deft storytelling, this book of Rob Moll’s invites us to honor the way the Creator God formed us in the imago Dei: as integrated wholes—body, mind, and spirit all one. We have much to learn from Moll’s work—may it lead many into deeper awe and wonder at the great goodness of the incarnate God and the flourishing life we are invited into.” “Rob Moll must have paid better attention in science class than most of us did. The result is a book I literally could not stop referencing in my preaching. Science is seeing what faith has long known—that discipleship can make us more sane, healthy, human.” “For years one Christian leader after another has contended that redemption is holistic—not just the soul but also the body, not just me but us, not just my spirituality but also my sexuality. These contentions have now been backed up by solid research at the level of neurochemicals and how our bodies work. What Your Body Knows about God is a godsend book for a day that both needs and requires a deeper perception of holistic redemption. God, in effect, has wired us to love God, to love ourselves, and to love others—and this book explains how God did the wiring. Bravo!” “One of the most mysterious yet inspirational statements in Scripture is that we are created in the image of God. There’s a purpose behind human existence, and it involves every one of us and all aspects of us. Somehow it connects us with God. If that’s true, then we’d expect there to be evidence that we are made in a way that can reflect the very capacities of God—to love, to create, etc. Rob Moll has done a great service by gathering that evidence in one place. What Your Body Knows about God is a marvelous testimony to how science and Scripture are complementary rather than contradictory.” “In Rob Moll’s second book, he brings his considerable skill, insight, and winsome curiosity to bear on the connection between the body, the brain, and spiritual practice. This latest effort will encourage a new level of interest among Christians in the relationship between the flesh and the spirit. I warmly recommend it to readers.”


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