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The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament

Digital Logos Edition

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This dictionary offers definitions and explanations for every word used in the Hebrew Old Testament. Each entry is identified by a number from Strong's Dictionary of the Hebrew Bible, so that you can make great use of the information that is given about each word, even if they have no working knowledge of the Hebrew language. The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament is a Bible study tool designed to make the original languages of the Bible accessible to every student of the Word of God.

Top Highlights

“In its participial form rōʿeh, it can mean shepherd (Gen. 4:2); sheepherders (Gen. 29:9).” (Page 1065)

“However, it usually refers to some aspect of the immaterial inner self or being since the heart is considered to be the seat of one’s inner nature as well as one of its components.” (Page 536)

“A feminine noun meaning righteousness, blameless conduct, and integrity. The noun describes justice, right actions, and right attitudes, as expected from both God and people when they judge.” (Page 939)

“A verb meaning to separate, to divide, to detach. This word is used most often of the various words that indicate these ideas. It is used both literally and figuratively in two different stems. The first stem is reflexive or passive in its function, and the second is causative. The reflexive sense of the word is used to express Israel’s separation of themselves from intermarriage and the abominations and pollution of the nations around them (Ezra 6:21; 10:11) in order to dedicate themselves to the Lord and His Law (Neh. 10:28[29]). Its passive usage indicates those being set apart for something (1 Chr. 23:13) or, in a negative sense, being excluded from something (e.g., from the community of Israel [Ezra 10:8]).” (Pages 119–120)

“The Lord is the final arbiter of whether something was good or evil; if something was evil in the eyes of the Lord, there is no further court of appeals (Deut. 9:18; 1 Kgs. 14:22).” (Page 1063)


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