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Products>The Blackwell Companion to Ancient Israel (Blackwell Companions to Religion)

The Blackwell Companion to Ancient Israel (Blackwell Companions to Religion)

ISBN: 9780470656778

Digital Logos Edition

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Digital list price: $202.75
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The Companion to Ancient Israel offers an innovative overview of ancient Israelite culture and history, richly informed by a variety of approaches and fields. Distinguished scholars provide original contributions that explore the tradition in all its complexity, multiplicity and diversity.

  • A methodologically sophisticated overview of ancient Israelite culture that provides insights into political and social history, culture, and methodology
  • Explores what we can say about the cultures and history of the people of Israel and Judah, but also investigates how we know what we know
  • Presents fresh insights, richly informed by a variety of approaches and fields
  • Delves into ‘religion as lived,’ an approach that asks about the everyday lives of ordinary people and the material cultures that they construct and experience
  • Each essay is an original contribution to the subject
    • Offers an innovative overview of ancient Israelite culture and history.
    • Provides insights into political and social history.
    • Redefines the study of ancient Israel.


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      Digital list price: $202.75
      Save $40.75 (20%)

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