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Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament

Digital Logos Edition

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With the torrent of publications on the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, the time is ripe for a dictionary dedicated to this incredibly rich yet diverse field. This companion volume to the well-received Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (CNTUOT) brings together leading evangelical biblical scholars to explore and explain the many facets of how the New Testament writers appropriated the Old Testament.

This definitive resource covers a range of interpretive topics and includes summary articles on each biblical book and numerous themes. It also unpacks concepts mentioned in the CNTUOT, demonstrates how the Old Testament uses the Old Testament, and addresses a wide range of biblical-theological, hermeneutical, and exegetical topics.

This handy reference book is for all serious students of the Bible as they study how and why Old Testament texts reappear and are reappropriated throughout the Bible.

This dictionary is a companion to the Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament

  • Brings together leading evangelical biblical scholars to explore and explain the many facets of how the New Testament writers appropriated the Old Testament
  • Covers a range of interpretive topics and includes summary articles on each biblical book and numerous themes
  • Addresses a wide range of biblical-theological, hermeneutical, and exegetical topics
The Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament can best be described as a companion volume to the immensely successful Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, riding the big wave of studies on the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament. The articles of the dictionary, which move from Abraham to Zephaniah and condense relevant English-language scholarship, survey all the biblical books and discuss biblical-theological topics (e.g., church, covenant, creation, ethics, gospel, Holy Spirit, justification, promise, shame, sin, wrath), Jewish exegetical traditions (e.g., Apocrypha, Dead Sea Scrolls, Septuagint), and inner-biblical exegesis (e.g., allegory, method, orality, rhetoric, typology, systematic theology, biblical theology). The dictionary is an indispensable resource for all who interpret, teach, and preach both Old Testament and New Testament texts. The editors and Baker Academic are to be congratulated on producing this magnificent volume.

—Eckhard J. Schnabel, Mary F. Rockefeller Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

The matter of the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament is complex, exciting, and of great significance. This remarkable work examines the use of the Old Testament in the New at a number of levels, including textual issues, exegesis, biblical theology, and systematic theology. The essays are marked by both clarity and insight, and the result is a work that students, pastors, and scholars will want to consult regularly. This dictionary will be an important resource for years to come.

—Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, associate dean, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

This is it! After a long parade of hermeneutical views, complicated how-tos, and scholarly interpretations, readers still do not have what they actually need. The Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament fills the void by speaking to an array of interpretive problems, theological themes, and biblical writings—even the much-neglected Old Testament. This dictionary puts resources into the hands of students and ministers of the Word so they can study the New Testament use of Scripture for themselves. It is easy to be effusive about this outstanding book.

—Gary Edward Schnittjer, distinguished professor of Old Testament, Cairn University; author of the award-winning Old Testament Use of Old Testament


5 ratings

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  1. B. C. "Buck" Norris
    Great, great book with some really superb articles. From time to time, they totally miss a subject in the matter. For example, I not sure how you could not have an article of the issue of Salvation in the OT and it's development in the NT.
  2. Honevic I Cadiz

    Honevic I Cadiz


  3. David Anfinrud

    David Anfinrud


    This is not a bad companion. Where you can get articles on various subjects that show you the use of the OT in the New Testament. I like the description that Churches are embassies of Heaven.
  4. Aaron Sauer

    Aaron Sauer


  5. Randy



    Can someone tell me how this functions? For example, if I'm searching a passage of Scripture, can it be synced so it shows OT or NT usage of a given passage? Or is it just some dictionary that you look up words in or what?
  6. Joseph E

    Joseph E


  7. Adrian


