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Products>Exegetical Guide Feature Expansion, L

Exegetical Guide Feature Expansion, L

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $1,744.75
Save $1,144.76 (65%)
Starting at $48.84/mo at checkout


An Exegetical Guide provides detailed information regarding the underlying Greek or Hebrew text in a biblical passage. The Exegetical Guide Feature Expansion, L expands the resources Logos can search to get you the detail you need. It provides information regarding textual variants, discussion of grammatical details, visualization of clause structures, and details of each word in the text.

Quickly and accurately interpret a verse or passage by investigating textual variance, grammatical constructions, syntax, or even a word-by-word analysis of the text in its original language. You don’t have to be a scholar to use this guide—the many aids, like definitions and English Bible translations—help you along the way.

This collection includes everything in the Exegetical Guide Feature Expansion, M as well more than thirty additional resources to help expand your studies.

Please note: This product does not contain Logos software—only resources to enhance the experience of your study. There are numerous ways to upgrade to Logos. Find the one that is best for you.

Value if sold separately
||Partially included
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1 rating

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  1. Dr. M. Sai Ankem
    I wish there is "Greek Grammar beyond the Basics" by Wallace


Collection value: $1,744.75
Save $1,144.76 (65%)
Starting at $48.84/mo at checkout