Digital Logos Edition
Paul opens the letter to the Ephesians with a celebration of God’s blessings: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Eph 1:3). In many ways this single sentence summarizes the message of Paul’s letter: God is to be praised for His work in Christ which, by God’s grace, is “for us.”
The Lexham Research Commentary is your starting point for study and research. Each volume gives you the tools you need to find answers quickly. This commentary is designed to do the time-consuming work of searching through commentaries, journal articles, and monographs to find the information you need, saving you valuable time by curating all of the best literature in one place—it’s a commentary on the commentaries. The annotated notes on the various viewpoints and interpretive options within the text allow you to quickly synthesize a broad range of views on a particular passage. Dense, jargon-filled research is distilled into easy-to-understand comments. As you critically study the text, the contextual notes help you place the passage within the narrow context of the biblical book and the broader context of the entire canon.
The Lexham Research Commentaries were formerly known as the Lexham Bible Guides.
“Paul continues his moral exhortation by instructing his readers to put away their former way of life and embrace the new. Although translations differ on how they render the words palaion anthrōpon (‘old man’) and kainon anthrōpon (‘new man’), a clear distinction exists between life before Christ and after. The difficulty comes in identifying whom or what Paul is referring to when he says ‘old man’ and ‘new man.’” (Ephesians 4:22–24)
The Lexham Research Commentary provides the following for each literary unit:
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Derek R. Brown is a contributing editor at Logos Bible Software. He holds a PhD in New Testament Studies and Christian Origins from the University of Edinburgh and a Masters of Christians Studies in New Testament Studies from Regent College.
Matthew M. Whitehead has served as a Faithlife Study Bible contributing editor and Bible Study Magazine contributor. He assisted with the digitization process for the Discoveries in the Judaean Desert series and worked on the Oxford Hebrew Bible project. Matthew holds an MDiv from Northwest Baptist Seminary and is pursuing an MA in biblical studies at Trinity Western University.
Douglas Mangum is an academic editor for Lexham Press. He holds a PhD in Hebrew from the University of Free State and holds an MA in Hebrew and Semitic Studies from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is a Lexham English Bible and Lexham Research Commentary editor, a Faithlife Study Bible contributing editor, a Studies in Faithful Living co-author, a regular Bible Study Magazine contributor, and a frequently consulted specialist for the Lexham Bible Dictionary.
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Wayne Moore
Daniel Presley
Matthew McClay
Mathew Haferkamp
Andrew W.L. Lau
Wade H. Hurst
Will Vollstedt
Debra W Bouey