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Products>Matthew through Old Testament Eyes: A Background and Application Commentary (Through Old Testament Eyes)

Matthew through Old Testament Eyes: A Background and Application Commentary (Through Old Testament Eyes)

, 2024
ISBN: 9780825444784

Digital Logos Edition

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A New Testament commentary steeped in the Old Testament

Through Old Testament Eyes is a new kind of commentary series that illuminates the Old Testament backgrounds, allusions, patterns, and references that saturate the New Testament. These links were second nature to the New Testament authors and their audiences, but today’s readers often cannot see them. Bible teachers, preachers, and students committed to understanding Scripture will gain insight through these rich Old Testament connections, which clarify puzzling passages and explain others in fresh ways.

The Gospel of Matthew contains both overt and subtle connections to the Old Testament, capitalizing on the scriptural literacy of the work’s original, first-century Jewish audience. These complex and multifaceted connections are not always recognized by today’s readers, meaning significant ideas can be easily missed or misappropriated. David B. Capes elucidates these extensive backgrounds, echoes, quotations, ways of thinking, and patterns of living, showing how God’s plan—introduced in the Hebrew Scriptures—is revealed through the very person, work, life, and ministry of Jesus.

Avoiding overly technical discussions and interpretive debates to concentrate on Old Testament influences, this book combines rigorous, focused New Testament scholarship with deep respect for the entire biblical text.

  • Combines rigorous, focused New Testament scholarship with deep respect for the entire biblical text
  • Illuminates the Old Testament backgrounds, allusions, patterns, and references that saturate the New Testament
  • Clarifies puzzling passages and explains others in fresh ways


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