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Products>Targum Onqelos to the Pentateuch

Targum Onqelos to the Pentateuch

Digital Logos Edition

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Targum Onqelos is an ancient Aramaic translation of the Hebrew pentateuch. The source of this digital edition of Targum Onqelos comes from The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati, USA. It includes the Aramaic text, variant readings, lexical form tags to assist the reader in looking up words, and part-of-speech tags.


1 rating

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  1. Moshe Wise

    Moshe Wise


    This product claims to be based on the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon, but I have found a number of errors in it which do not appear in the CAL text. Either Logos is selling an outdated CAL text and refuses to update the text in accordance with CAL's corrections or Logos somehow introduced new errors when converting the text into Logos format. Either way, the errors make this product a disappointment.
