Digital Logos Edition
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Take a close look into the writings of the man who brought Schleiermacher’s Protestant liberalism to North America. For the first time, Horace Bushnell’s works appear in one 20 volume collection. In addition to the works authored by Bushnell, this collection also includes an early biography with Bushnell’s collected letters as well as volumes on Bushnell’s work as a preacher and educator written by his wife, Mary Bushnell Cheney, and by contemporaries Theodore T. Munger and Henry C. Trumbull. With this comprehensive collection, you’ll study firsthand the work and personal writings of this significant figure in American Protestantism who influenced the direction of twentieth century Protestant theology.
In addition to his rejection of the standard Calvinism of his time, Bushnell’s views on the trinity and atonement are particularly important for the development of Protestant liberal theology in America. He challenged the classic articulation of the Trinity and argued that God did not necessarily exist in three distinct persons from all eternity. In his two-volume work The Vicarious Sacrifice, Bushnell challenged the necessity of a penal, substitutionary atonement and instead argued that Christ’s earthly ministry and crucifixion merely provided an example of self-sacrificial love, a form of the moral influence theory of the atonement.
With the Logos Bible Software edition, you will be able to easily and thoroughly research this valuable resource more quickly than ever before. All Scripture passages in the Horace Bushnell Collection are tagged to appear on mouseover and the entire collection is fully searchable and integrated into the Logos research system to save you hours of time. Instantly find each place Bushnell deals with specific biblical passages and topics for the most efficient research.
Bushnell’s influence hastened the acceptance in America of Friedrich Schleiermacher, Coleridge, and their romantic picture of the world . . . Bushnell offered a theological perspective, which, while not itself completely divorced from traditional Protestantism, helped clear the way for a thorough liberalization of the faith.
—Evangelical Dictionary of Theology
Bushnell’s understanding of language, the organicism of his theology, and his evolutionary and developmental conception of faith made a powerful impact on the Christian education movement, the social gospel, and Protestant modernism.
—Encyclopedia of the Reformed Faith
The preaching of most men is fashioned by the theology of the day; Bushnell’s preaching helped fashion the theology of his day. He was not a systematic theologian, but he influenced theology; he was not a philosopher, but his writings deeply affected the philosophy of Christian education. Referred to by some as the ‘Beloved Heretic,’ Bushnell will long continue to make his mark upon American church life.
—A Treasury of Great Preaching: An Encyclopedia of Preaching
As an orator Bushnell ranked high among his contemporaries . . . His similes and metaphors are masterful.
—The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church