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Mary: Devoted to God's Plan

ISBN: 9781577995791
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Devoted to God’s Plan

The underlying theme of Mary’s story isn’t that different from ours. Her story teaches us a profound lesson: the life of faith is made up of a series of steps that bring us closer to the fulfillment of God’s will, but not necessarily farther from the challenges and struggles involved with moving ahead. In Mary: Devoted to God's Plan, you’ll walk through life with Mary and her family—learning along the way how their story is like your story.

Praise for Mary: Devoted to God’s Plan

What a fascinating journey into the life of a girl who faced many of the same problems troubling teenagers today—unplanned pregnancy, fear, and peer pressure. While we’ll never experience Mary’s exact circumstances, we will have times when God calls us to follow Him into the unknown. In this practical study, Mary’s surrendered life offers life-changing inspiration for us all. A great study for churches, small groups, and personal devotions.

—June Hunt, founder and CEO, Hope For The Heart

The study of Mary: Devoted to God’s Plan is not for the faint of heart. Take this study seriously—embrace the young teenager Mary as your role model—and you have embarked on a journey that requires courage and self-sacrifice and may mean standing alone. An unflinching determination to follow Jesus comes at a price, so proceed at your own risk. But know for certain that when kingdom issues are at stake, holding back will cost you more.

—Carolyn Custis James, founder and president, Synergy Women’s Network, Inc.

Mary’s story is familiar to most Christians and can inadvertently be limited to a manger scene at Christmas. Yet there is so much more to ponder and learn from her life as you will see in this study. Mary: Devoted to God’s Plan is a thorough guide which can be used to delve deeper. It’s perfect for personal or group study, or for any pastor who needs great Biblical content for Sunday mornings or mid-week meetings.

—Arlene Pellicane, speaker, author, and blogger

Mary: Devoted to God’s Plan is an informative and inspiring study of the life of one of the great servants of God in the New Testament. Filled with interesting and relevant historical information, the study helps the reader explore more deeply Mary’s life and her journey from mother of Jesus to child of God and disciple of Christ. The study does a wonderful job of integrating historical information and application to help the reader see how the story of Mary fits in the larger context of Scripture, while also providing valuable guidance for how we can follow her example of devotion and humility.”

—Michelle Lee-Barnewall, Associate Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies, BIOLA University

I found Mary: Devoted to God’s Plan to be a very useful text. It is clear, well researched, and is designed with the pastor/teacher in mind. It comes complete with PowerPoints and will be a wonderful aid to anyone who wants to study the life and impact of Mary more closely.

—Sam Lamerson, professor of New Testament, Knox Theological Seminary


Discover new meaning in the life of Mary

Mary: Devoted to God’s Plan helps you dig deeper into the life of Mary. Dig up the nuggets you might have missed. Discuss questions you’ve never thought to ask. Infuse your sermons with energy and conviction. Learn new ways to apply Mary’s story in your life.

Get connected with others in your church. Jacob: Discerning God’s Presence is perfect for small groups, and it’s best used in conjunction with the complete curriculum package for your entire church. The topics in each small group Bible study integrate with your pastor’s sermons. Everything is centered on the Word, so you get a complete, shared Bible study experience with your entire church.

The entire program is designed for Logos Bible Software and Logos’ Faithlife Study Bible app. It combines text and visuals with today’s most advanced Bible study tools. All Scripture passages link to your favorite Bible translation and to the original language texts in your library.

This is the version for individuals and group members. The complete church curriculum for leaders and pastors is available here. This version of Mary: Devoted to God’s Plan is a book featuring infographics, maps, artifact images, thought-provoking questions, “writable” answer boxes, Bible study tips, an annotated reading list, and printable handouts. The complete church curriculum for leaders and pastors includes everything in the individual/group member version plus videos, small-group lesson plans, sermon outlines, and teaching slideshows.

Top Highlights

“In spite of the bewilderment of this divine encounter, Mary remained composed and responded with humility, surrender, and praise. She must have known she would face public shame and scorn from her small, close-knit community. But even without knowing all the details, she devoted herself completely to God’s plan, saying ‘Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word’ (Luke 1:38 esv).” (Luke 1:26–38)

“In Jewish literature, Gabriel is one of the seven archangels—the highest angelic order—that function as God’s princes or vice regents. He appears as a messenger in both Luke and Daniel. His presence signifies both the importance of his message and God’s favor toward the recipient (Dan 8:15–17; 9:21–23; Luke 1:19, 26–33). Only Daniel, Zechariah, and Mary are said to have conversed with Gabriel which shows God’s high regard for these individuals (Dan 9:23; Luke 1:28).” (Luke 1:26–38)

“Mary emptied herself of personal goals and desires to become a vessel to be used by God for His purposes.” (Luke 1:39–56)

“Mary had been given a glimpse into God’s plan—one that involved a lowly teenage peasant girl and a group of poor shepherds. Her story reminds us that God can accomplish His plans through anyone and anything. All we can do is prepare to be surprised and resolve to devote ourselves to His plan over our own.” (Luke 2:1–20)

“God calls us to grow and to participate in His plan. And that can mean allowing Him to use us in ways we never imagined.” (Luke 1:26–38)

About the Studies in Faithful Living Series

The Studies in Faithful Living series examines the lives of biblical characters who responded faithfully to God’s call. Combining narrative analysis with infographics, maps, and questions for reflection, each volume explores key events in these characters’ lives, combining the depth you expect from a biblical commentary with application and teaching insights. Each volume is available as an individual/group member version or as a complete church curriculum version for pastors and teachers.


Each chapter of Mary: Devoted to God’s Plan is structured to maximize your study:

  • Setting the Stage:
    • Theme: Introduces the meaning and relevance of an event in Mary’s life
    • Literary Context: Illustrates the conditions surrounding that event
    • Historical and Cultural Background: Presents relevant data about the ancient world
  • A Closer Look: Gives a walk-through of the event while exploring issues of interpretation, original language, and theology
  • Throughout the Bible: Examines discussion of the event elsewhere in the Bible
  • Beyond the Bible: Treats references to the event in ancient documents and extracanonical texts and references and by theologians, the church fathers, and contemporary thinkers
  • Application: Concludes the chapter by exploring the event’s relevance to your journey of faith

You’ll also find Quick Tips on difficult passages and Quick Bits of historical information, original language wording, and ancient thought.

8-Week Program

  • Embracing the Unexpected (Luke 1:26–38; Matt 1:18–25)
  • Exceptional Praise (Luke 1:39–56)
  • A Unique Birth (Luke 2:1–20)
  • A Foretelling of Sacrifice (Luke 2:21–40)
  • Facing Fear with Faith (Matt 2:1–23)
  • Preparing to Let Go (Luke 2:41–52)
  • Family Redefined (John 2:1–12; Mark 3:20–35)
  • Behold Your Son (John 19:25–27)

Product Details

  • Title: Mary: Devoted to God’s Plan
  • Editor: Michael Grigoni
  • Authors: Miles Custis, Douglas Mangum, Matthew M. Whitehead, Rebecca Brant, John D. Barry, and Elizabeth Vince
  • Series: Studies in Faithful Living
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Format: Logos Digital, Paperback
  • Trim Size: 6x9
  • ISBN: 9781577995791

About the Editor

Michael Grigoni previously served as the Studies in Faithful Living series editor and Logos Bible Software’s managing editor of Bible reference. He holds a Master of Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School.

About the Authors

Miles Custis is the author of The End of the Matter: Understanding the Epilogue of Ecclesiastes, a Faithlife Study Bible contributing editor, and a regular Bible Study Magazine and Lexham Bible Dictionary contributor. He holds a Master of Arts in biblical studies from Trinity Western University.

Douglas Mangum is an academic editor for Lexham Press. He holds a PhD in Hebrew from the University of Free State and holds an MA in Hebrew and Semitic Studies from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is a Lexham English Bible and Lexham Bible Guide editor, a Faithlife Study Bible contributing editor, a Studies in Faithful Living co-author, a regular Bible Study Magazine contributor, and a frequently consulted specialist for the Lexham Bible Dictionary.

Matthew M. Whitehead has served as a Faithlife Study Bible contributing editor and Bible Study Magazine contributor. He assisted with the digitization process for the Discoveries in the Judaean Desert series and worked on the Oxford Hebrew Bible project. Matthew holds an MDiv from Northwest Baptist Seminary and is pursuing an MA in biblical studies at Trinity Western University.

Rebecca Brant is the managing copyeditor for Logos Bible Software. She develops content for Connect the Testaments, Faithlife Study Bible, Lexham Bible Dictionary, and Bible Study Magazine. She is a regular contributor to Bible Study Magazine.

John D. Barry is the CEO and Founder of Jesus' Economy, a non-profit dedicated to creating jobs and churches in the developing world. He also serves as a missionary with Resurrect Church Movement, the domestic division of Jesus' Economy dedicated to equipping U.S. churches to alleviate poverty and plant churches. John is the general editor of Faithlife Study Bible and Lexham Bible Dictionary. He has authored or edited over 30 books, including The Resurrected Servant in Isaiah, Cutting Ties with Darkness, and the daily devotional Connect the Testaments. John formerly served as founding publisher of Lexham Press and is the former editor-in-chief of Bible Study Magazine. John speaks internationally on engaging the Bible, poverty, and spreading the gospel.

Elizabeth Vince is an editor at Logos Bible Software, developing content for Faithlife Study Bible, Lexham Bible Dictionary, Bible Study Magazine, and Connect the Testaments. She is a regular contributor to Bible Study Magazine.


12 ratings

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  1. Robert Polahar
  2. Mihai Roman

    Mihai Roman


  3. Albert Cooper

    Albert Cooper


  4. Kimberly



    Awesome book.
  5. Ron Jones

    Ron Jones


  6. Justin Cofer

    Justin Cofer


  7. Stephen Wainwright
  8. Justin M

    Justin M


  9. Pastor Samantha Soll
    To simply put it, this was an amazing women's group study! Every woman in our group was able to dig deep in within themselves to find the answers to the love, service, and devotion to God's plan for their life. It was fascinating to see the Lord move so greatly in us through this study!
  10. Bill Shewmaker


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