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Lexham Research Commentaries: Paul’s Letters Collection (13 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $434.87
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Jumpstart Your Research

Among the apostles, God’s redemptive work appears most dramatically in the life of Paul. Redeemed and transformed, Paul becomes an apostle who not only established churches throughout the ancient world, but who was also used by God to author much of what would become the New Testament. Understanding the exegetical and theological issues of Paul’s letters represents an important part of any Christian’s study.

The Lexham Research Commentary is your starting point for study and research. Each volume gives you the tools you need to find answers quickly. This commentary is designed to do the time-consuming work of searching through commentaries, journal articles, and monographs to find the information you need, saving you valuable time by curating all of the best literature in one place—it’s a commentary on the commentaries. The annotated notes on the various viewpoints and interpretive options within the text allow you to quickly synthesize a broad range of views on a particular passage. Dense, jargon-filled research is distilled into easy-to-understand comments. As you critically study the text, the contextual notes help you place the passage within the narrow context of the biblical book and the broader context of the entire canon.


The Lexham Research Commentaries were formerly known as the Lexham Bible Guides.

A Smart Way to Study the Bible

  • Find things fast. There’s no need to locate, read, and notate dozens of reference materials. Everything is in one spot. It’s concise enough to digest, but broad enough so you know everything’s covered.
  • See connections. The overview format leads you to research topics you may have never read about or heard of. This snapshot view of the text provides an ideal starting point for sermon preparation or academic research.
  • Gain perspective. You’ll get an overview of all the relevant issues related to a particular biblical passage, from exegetical topics like structure and genre, to interpretive issues presented by commentators. You’ll also find links to lexicons and commentaries for word studies in Logos, plus lots of links to related literature for further study. Everything is organized and summarized in one spot—only a click away.
  • Designed digital-first. These commentaries are written from the ground up to take full advantage of Logos’ platform. The interconnectivity of the Lexham Research Commentaries within the Logos library provides you with relevant, curated content at a click. There’s no need to flip through pages, pore over commentaries, or search through dictionaries. You get access to the best content available—instantly.

Product Details

  • Title: Lexham Research Commentaries: Paul’s Letters Collection
  • Authors: Derek R. Brown, Douglas Mangum, E. Tod Twist, Wendy Widder, and Matthew M. Whitehead
  • Editors: Derek R. Brown and John D. Barry
  • Series Editor: Douglas Mangum
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Volumes: 13
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About the Series Editor

Douglas Mangum is an academic editor for Lexham Press. He holds a PhD in Hebrew from the University of Free State and holds an MA in Hebrew and Semitic Studies from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is a Lexham English Bible and Lexham Research Commentary editor, a Faithlife Study Bible contributing editor, a Studies in Faithful Living co-author, a regular Bible Study Magazine contributor, and a frequently consulted specialist for the Lexham Bible Dictionary.

About the Editors

John D. Barry is the CEO and Founder of Jesus' Economy, a non-profit dedicated to creating jobs and churches in the developing world. He also serves as a missionary with Resurrect Church Movement, the domestic division of Jesus' Economy dedicated to equipping U.S. churches to alleviate poverty and plant churches. John is the general editor of Faithlife Study Bible and Lexham Bible Dictionary. He has authored or edited over 30 books, including The Resurrected Servant in Isaiah, Cutting Ties with Darkness, and the daily devotional Connect the Testaments. John formerly served as founding publisher of Lexham Press and is the former editor-in-chief of Bible Study Magazine. John speaks internationally on engaging the Bible, poverty, and spreading the gospel.

Derek R. Brown is a contributing editor at Lexham Press. He holds a PhD in New Testament Studies and Christian Origins from the University of Edinburgh and a Master of Christians Studies in New Testament Studies from Regent College.

About the Authors

Matthew M. Whitehead has served as a Faithlife Study Bible contributing editor and Bible Study Magazine contributor. He assisted with the digitization process for the Discoveries in the Judaean Desert series and worked on the Oxford Hebrew Bible project. Matthew holds an MDiv from Northwest Baptist Seminary and is pursuing an MA in Biblical Studies at Trinity Western University.

E. Tod Twist is a major contributor to the Faithlife Study Bible and a regular contributor to Bible Study Magazine. Tod holds an MA in theological studies and an MA in Hebrew.

Wendy Widder holds a PhD in Near Eastern studies from the University of the Free State, an MA in Hebrew and Semitic Studies from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and an MDiv from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. She is the author of Living Whole without a Better Half, A Match Made in Heaven: How Singles and the Church Can Live Happily After, and the coauthor of The Forest and the Trees: Helping Teachers Integrate a Biblical Worldview Across the Curriculum.


36 ratings

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  1. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  2. LeRoy Henry

    LeRoy Henry


  3. Zion



  4. David Cheatham
    Since the folks at Logos read the comments...I just purchased the LRC, and I am studying Romans 12, I immediately noticed that the link at 12:3 for the NICNT must refer to the first edition. I recently purchased the 2nd edition but the link for Moo is locked. It is a little annoying too to see the locked resources even though I have Logos 8 Portfolio! But nothing to be done about that unless I pay more $$. Overall, I am still glad I got the LRC for Paul's Letters.
  5. Mathew Haferkamp
    I have just completed a third volume of this series, and I find these books are very good and even though I have a lot of the resources that are referenced I have found that I do not need to pull them up at all. These books are excellent commentaries!!!
  6. Kevin Bratcher
  7. Dave Thawley

    Dave Thawley


    This is information density gone crazy. The books are not really books, they are a walk though of a biblical book by way of hundreds of references to other resources. The amount of effort gone into these must have been massive but these guides are a brilliant example of how Logos can be utilised by the developers to give us access to the knowledge stored in our libraries. In a way it remind me of mobile Ed. mobile ed has a video lecture with several readings while these guides have no videos but hundreds if not thousands of links. Well done Faithlife
  8. C.J. Scott

    C.J. Scott


    According to this blog post published today this collection has a 44% discount if pre ordered today which would be approximately $299.57... so I'm pre ordering this today in the hope that this will be honoured. Looks like an amazing collection I remember seeing part of the collection featured on The Resurgence last year and i thought it was great.
  9. Aaron



  10. Joe Marshall

    Joe Marshall



Collection value: $434.87
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