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Paraphrase Bible Bundle (4 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Not true translations but rather paraphrases intended to make language even easier to understand than functional (“thought-for-thought” or “dynamic”) Bibles, Paraphrase Bibles bring the text into the world of the reader by summarizing, rephrasing, and even “transculturating”—replacing ancient metaphors and literary structures with concepts and terminology familiar to today’s readers. Therefore, paraphrases go beyond the formal and functional spectrum. Paraphrases are particularly helpful for those who know the Bible well and could benefit from reading Scripture in a fresh way.

The Paraphrase Bible Bundle includes The Message: Complete OT/NT (MSG), Living Bible (LB), Word Come Alive New Testament Paraphrase, and Good News Translation with Apocrypha (GNT).

  • The Message: Complete OT/NT (MSG) - The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language brings the life-changing power of the New Testament, the vibrant passion of the Psalms, and the rich, practical wisdom of Proverbs into easy-to-read modern language that echoes the rhythm and idioms of the original Greek and Hebrew. Written in the same kind of language you’d use to talk with friends, write a letter, or discuss politics, The Message preserves the authentic, earthy flavor and the expressive character of the Bible’s best-loved books.
  • The Living Bible (TLB) - The Living Bible is a "thought for thought" translation as opposed to a word for word translation. This is a paraphrase. Its purpose, according to the editors, is to say as exactly as possible what the writers of the Scriptures meant, and to say it simply, expanding where necessary for a clear understanding by the modern reader.
  • Word Come Alive is an expanded translation (paraphrase) of the New Testament by respected editor Martin Manser. Related phrases and background information are supplied in italics within the text to make its message more immediately understandable. It expresses the sense of the original text in contemporary, natural English for a powerful effect on readers. Fresh and incisive, this translation will make you sit up and think about what you are reading.
  • Good News Translation with Apocrypha (GNT) - This modern version of the Bible in mid-twentieth-century American English takes advantage of many archaeological and manuscript discoveries, as well as the insights of linguistic and biblical scholarship since the sixteenth century. It was designed to meet the needs of a worldwide explosion of evangelism in a secular world where English had become the dominant international language and a familiarity with traditional theological terminology could not be assumed. Its style avoids the looseness of paraphrasing, translating the deep structures of the text in its original languages.
  • Title: Paraphrase Bible Bundle (3 vols.)
  • Publishers: NavPress, Tyndale, American Bible Society
  • Publication Date: 1992–2005
  • Resources: 4
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Resource Type: English Bibles
  • Resource ID: {D6E14EBE-54EB-4767-B40D-6D896DE0F0D4}
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  1. Batman



    Let's see if I got this right? A translation takes a sentence and paraphrases into another language. But, paraphrases, paraphrase from another language, but isnt translated, because it's paraphrased? Ok. Got it.


Collection value: $39.96
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