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The Latin Works and The Correspondence of Huldreich Zwingli, vol. 1

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“This is the gospel, that sins are remitted in the name of Christ; and no heart ever received tidings more glad.” Huldrych Zwingli's contribution to the Reformation may have been just as important as Luther and Calvin's, yet many still don't know much about him, let alone read his powerful works. Zwingli preached against ecclesial corruption, fasting, the requirement of celibacy on the clergy, the veneration of saints, excommunication, and more—setting the stage for the Swiss Reformation.

The three volumes in The Latin Works and The Correspondence of Huldreich Zwingli contain the English translations of some of Zwingli's most important letters, sermons, poems, tracts, and more. Each entry contains an introduction to the work and the editors have provided helpful notes. Volume one also includes "The Original Life of Zwingli," a short biography written in 1521 by Oswald Myconius—the first biography of Zwingli to be written.

  • Contains first biography of Zwingli to be written
  • Contains the English translations of some of Zwingli's most important letters, sermons, poems, tracts, and more
  • Completely searchable and linked to your preferred Bible translation and other books in your library
  • Original Life of Zwingli
  • The Fable of the Ox
  • The Fabulous Poem of the Pries Zwingli Concerning an Ox and Many Other Animals
  • Account by Zwingli of the Engagements between the French and the Swiss
  • The Missing Dialogues
  • The Labyrinth
  • Transcript of the Pauline Letters
  • A Christian Song written by Zwingli
  • Advice of One Who Desires with His Whole Heart That Due Consideration be Paid Both th the Dignity of the Pope and to the Peaceful Development of the Christian Religion
  • What Zwingli Said and Preach at this Time (1521)
  • Concerning Choice and Liberty Respecting Food
  • Letter of Zwingli to Erasmus Fabricius
  • A Solemn Warning by Zwingli
  • Petition of Certain Preachers of Switzerland
  • A Friendly Request and Exhortation
  • Defence Called Archeteles
A translation of Zwingli's works, to be placed alongside of the works of Luther and Calvin, is a boon to English readers who would acquaint themselves with the secret of this great reformer's power.

Homiletic Review

The editor's contribution shows that meticulous care in details which we have learned to expect from Dr. Jackson. It is a matter of congratulation that we are now to have in English a worthy presentation of the writings of a man whose appeal to the modern spirit is as direct as Luther's and is often much more in the temper of our approach to the problems not only of practical religion but of national honor.

The Nation

  • Title: The Latin Works and The Correspondence of Huldreich Zwingli, vol. 1
  • Editor: Samuel Macauley Jackson
  • Publisher: G. P. Putman's Sons
  • Publication Date: 1912
  • Pages: 292

Samuel Macauley Jackson (1851–1912) was educated at Princeton Theological Seminary and Union Seminary. He then studied for two years at the University of Leipzig, and then earned his DD from New York University. He served as an editor and author for numerous prestigious projects, including The American Church History Series, The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Thought, The Encyclopedia of Living Divines, and The Concise Dictionary of Religious Knowledge.


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