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Products>What the Bible Teaches About . . . (9 vols.)

What the Bible Teaches About . . . (9 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $76.91
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What does the Bible say about heaven? The purpose of angels? Parenting? The What the Bible Teaches Series deals simply and practically with issues that impact Christians today, covering such issues as marriage, parenting, worship, heaven, the future, angels, the trinity, guidance, and being born-again. Gain a clear understanding of these topics and discover their significance in your life.

  • Nine volumes on contemporary Christian topics
  • Clear, simple, scripturally-sound, and practical insights
  • Title: What the Bible Teaches Series
  • Series: What the Bible Teaches About . . .
  • Publisher: Evangelical Press
  • Volumes: 9
  • Pages: 1,485
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2 ratings

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  1. David Anfinrud
    Here is a set of books small yet Covers each topic in a Biblical sense. What does the Bible say? Or as I love saying "Where is it written?" This is good for quick reminders on the subject or a starting point on doing a deeper study. It is there to make you think and Grow. Man is too easily following false teachers because we are not centered on our faith. Looking at others in History say about the topics only helps you more than anything else.
  2. Michael Herbert, M.Div., Pastor


Collection value: $76.91
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