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Products>Baker Political Theology Collection (5 vols.)

Baker Political Theology Collection (5 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $130.95
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Political theology is explored through a diverse lens in the following five influential books. Liberty for All: Defending Everyone's Religious Freedom in a Pluralistic Age scrutinizes the intersection of religious freedom and pluralism, delving into the complexities of safeguarding individual liberties within diverse societies. Jim Wallis, in On God's Side: What Religion Forgets and Politics Hasn't Learned about Serving the Common Good challenges the separation of religion and politics, advocating for a collaborative approach in pursuit of the common good. In A Public Faith: How Followers of Christ Should Serve the Common Good Miroslav Volf argues for the active engagement of Christians in shaping a just and inclusive society. The compilation Essays on Religion, Science, and Society offers a nuanced exploration of the multifaceted relationship between these realms. Finally, Ephraim Radner's Mortal Goods: Reimagining Christian Political Duty prompts a reevaluation of Christian responsibilities in the political sphere, urging a conscientious examination of moral obligations in civic life. Together, these books provide a comprehensive panorama of political theology, examining the intricate connections between religious principles, political action, and the pursuit of a common good.

  • Highlights things Christians can do to serve the common good
  • Argues for a robust Christian ethic of religious liberty
  • Examines how Christians might more faithfully and realistically imagine their political vocation
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  1. Russ White

    Russ White


    Are all of these from a post-millennial perspective?


Collection value: $130.95
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