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Ezekiel: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition


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The New Beacon Bible Commentary series is an engaging, indispensable reference tool that equips you to study and meditate on God’s Word. It offers insightful scholarship to help you unlock Scripture’s deeper truths and garner an awareness of the history, culture, and context attributed to each book studied. Readable, relevant, and academically thorough, it offers a new standard for understanding and interpreting the Bible in the twenty-first century.

Ezekiel is clear and accessible without sacrificing serious scholarship. The aim of this volume is to offer a distinctive engagement with the theological dynamics of the book for readers from the Wesleyan theological tradition, with a special eye to Ezekiel’s use of Old Testament priestly theology to respond to the trauma associated with the Babylonian Exile.

In the Logos edition, each Scripture passage links to your favorite translation, and is easy to study side by side with your other Ezekiel commentaries. You can search by topic or Scripture with remarkably fast results.

  • The latest scholarship from a notable expert in the Wesleyan tradition
  • Convenient introductory material, including information on authorship, dating, history, audience, sociological/cultural issues, purpose, literary features, theological themes, hermeneutical issues, and more
  • Clear verse-by-verse explanations that offer a contemporary, Wesleyan-based understanding derived from the passage’s original language
  • Comprehensive annotation divided into three sections:
    • Background elements behind the text
    • Verse-by-verse details and meanings
    • Significance, relevance, intertextuality, and application
  • Insight into theological issues, word meanings, archaeological connections, historical relevance, cultural customs, and more
  • Expanded bibliography for further study of historical elements, additional interpretations, and theological themes

Top Highlights

“Throughout the vision, the action revolves around the transformative force designated by the Hebrew term rûaḥ, which simultaneously carries the meanings of wind, breath, and spirit (vv 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14). Yahweh’s rûaḥ—the same ‘spirit’ that Yahweh placed within the exiles for transformation in Ezek 36:27—serves as the agent that creates new life in the midst of death through the prophetic word.” (Page 300)

“Christian preachers today function in an environment where it is always more popular to preach peace and prosperity—a smiling, happy gospel of personal betterment—and more demanding to engage in prophetic criticism of the social, economic, and militaristic structures that shape contemporary society and, often, the church.” (Page 242)

“the image of very dry (v 2) bones indicates a situation of long-dead remains absolutely devoid of any remaining life” (Page 300)

“activities of the empire and continue religious practices like circumcision and Sabbath” (Page 29)

“OT priestly theology to respond to the trauma associated with the Babylonian exile.” (Page 22)

  • Title: Ezekiel: : A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition
  • Author: Brad E. Kelle
  • Series: New Beacon Bible Commentary (NBBC)
  • Publisher: Beacon Hill
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Pages: 352

Brad E. Kelle is the assistant professor of biblical literature, Point Loma Nazarene University. An ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene, he holds degrees from Emory University, Chandler School of Theology, and Trevecca Nazarene University. He is also the author of numerous articles.


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  1. Scott J Sherwood


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