Digital Logos Edition
The resurrection of Jesus in not simply proof of his divinity, nor is the event something Christians should celebrate on one day of the liturgical year and then forget. The resurrection has crucial relevance for our spiritual formation every day.
Living the Resurrection immerses you in the life-changing experience of this biblical event. Join best-selling author and pastor Eugene Peterson as he reflects on the three aspects of Christ’s resurrection that define our lives and energize our faith:
With writing that is full of life, beauty, and prophetic insight, Living the Resurrection brings you to the central place of life and faith—the resurrection of Christ.
The Logos Bible Software edition of this volume is designed to encourage and stimulate your study and understanding of spiritual disciplines. Scripture passages link directly to your English translations and to the original language texts, and important concepts link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. In addition, you can perform powerful searches by topic and find what other authors, scholars, and theologians have to say about faith, meditation, and Christlikeness.
“Pope John Paul II once said as he addressed a group of leaders from Third World countries: Don’t look at the Western nations for models in your development. They know how to make things, but they don’t know how to live with them. They have acquired a mind-boggling technology, but they’ve forgotten how to raise their children.” (Page 11)
“I love the contrast between those Roman guards—insensible and sprawled on the ground, paralyzed by fear—and the two exuberant women kneeling on the same ground, energized by fear. It’s the same word in both cases—fear. But it’s not the same thing. There is a fear that incapacitates us for dealing with God, and there is a fear that pulls us out of our preoccupation with ourselves, our feelings, or our circumstances into a world of wonder. It pulls us out of ourselves into the very action of God.” (Pages 16–17)
“I’m prepared to contend that the primary location for spiritual formation—for formation-by-resurrection—is in the workplace.” (Page 39)
“The problem is that taken out of the context of resurrection wonder, any prayer soon becomes an act of idolatry—reducing God to what we can use for our purposes, however noble and useful.” (Page 33)
“They come at it from different directions and provide different details, but one element is common to each of them: a sense of wonder, astonishment, surprise.” (Page 14)
Eugene Peterson is a man on whom God’s wonder is not lost. Thanks to his pen, not even a day passes that I don’t read and sigh, ‘I never thought of it that way.’
—Max Lucado, author
In this work, the resurrection ceases to be an abstract idea and is released again to be a force of wonder and fear that shapes our practice and life.
—John Ortberg, senior pastor, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, Menlo Park, CA
As spiritual formation bids to become a fad among contemporary evangelicals, Eugene Peterson’s Living in the Resurrection offers them an alternative path rooted in wonder and gives results that are more than cosmetic.
—Frederica Mathewes-Green, Eastern Orthodox author and speaker
Our love for the Lord of glory will surely swell to new heights thanks to the wondrous faith displayed in this book that at once instructs and inspires. May our reading of Eugene Peterson’s heartfelt reflections be an Easter treat all year long.
—Susan Muto, dean, Epiphany Academy of Formative Spirituality
Euguene Peterson is a master interpreter of Scripture, a master teller of tales, and, in this book, a master practitioner of resurrection. Peterson enables the Easter faith to become a vivid reality.
—William H. Willimon, bishop, North Alabama Conference, The United Methodist Church
Eugene H. Peterson is a writer, poet, and retired pastor. He has authored more than 34 books (not including The Message). He is emeritus professor of spiritual theology at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia. Eugene also founded Christ Our King Presbyterian Church in Bel Air, Maryland, where he ministered for 29 years. After teaching at a seminary, he created The Message, a vibrant Bible paraphrase that connects with today’s readers like no other. It took Peterson 10 years to complete. He worked not from any English text but from the original Hebrew and Greek texts to guarantee authenticity. At the same time, his ear was always tuned to the cadence and energy of the English spoken every day on the streets. He lives with his wife, Jan, in Montana.
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Allen Bingham