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A General Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture

Digital Logos Edition

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A General Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture "teaches the art of studying Holy Scripture." A. E. Breen covers the nature and extent of inspiration, the history of the original texts and the various ancient versions of the Bible, the origin and authority of the Vulgate, the history of modern English versions, the various senses of Scripture, and more. Intended for seminary students, the strength of this book made it popular in and out of the classroom.

In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Save more when you purchase this book as part of The Works of A.E. Breen.

  • Covers the nature and extent of inspiration
  • Examines the origin and authority of the Vulgate
  • Offers students a key text on studying Holy Scripture

Top Highlights

“The Christian Church draws her life from two fountains, the Holy Scriptures and the living voice of the Holy Ghost within her.” (Page 2)

“The Romanist equally with the protestant accepts the authority of Scripture. The difference lies deeper. The difference lies here: that the Romanist accepts Scripture as the word of God because the Church tells him so, the protestant accepts it as the word of God because God tells him so.” (Page 22)

“In non-Catholic thought the idea of a reduced Christianity is dominant. A mere natural religion recommends itself to many. ‘The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him; and he cannot know them because they are spiritually examined.’ [1 Cor. 2:14.] Instead of accepting religion as a mysterious message from Heaven, men make a religion that is not religious.” (Page iii)

“For He Himself who ‘obtained authority by miracles, merited belief by authority, and by belief drew to himself the multitude’ [S. Aug. de util. cred. XIV. 32.] was accustomed in the exercise of His Divine Mission, to appeal to the Scriptures.” (Page 43)

“This is the work of God, not of us. Here I stand; here I sit; here I remain; here I glory; here I triumph; here I insult papists, Thomists, Henricists, sophists, and all the gates of Hell, and also the sayings of men even though holy, and erring custom. God’s word is above all; God’s power so strengthens me that I should not care if a thousand Augustines, a thousand Cyprians, a thousand Henrician Churches were opposed to me.’” (Page 9)

Arthur Edward Breen was born in Amity, New York in 1863. Ordained in 1893, Breen was the rector of St. Patrick's Church in Mount Morris, New York, and Professor of Exegesis and Hebrew at St. Bernard's Theological Seminary.


5 ratings

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  1. Dustin Payne

    Dustin Payne


  3. Marcos Oliveira Ribeiro
  4. Allen Bingham

    Allen Bingham


  5. Durward Riales
    Very helpful
  6. Fernando L. Rodriguez
    very good
  7. Albert Cooper


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