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Eternal Security

Digital Logos Edition

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The foreword states, “Eternal Security is the teaching that God shall with no uncertainty bring into their eternal inheritance those who are actually justified-delivered from the curse of the law and have the righteousness of Christ reckoned to their account-and who have been begotten by the Spirit of God.” If you’re looking for an exceptionally thorough yet readable treatment of the subject of eternal security (also known as the Perseverance of the Saints), this book is for you. As a careful expositor of Scripture, Pink demonstrates the doctrine of eternal security by examining various passages while remaining sensitive to their context.

Save even more when you purchase the A.W. Pink Collection (40 vol.)

Key Features

  • Challenging and inspirational
  • Rich in devotional and practical truth

Praise for the Print Edition

The widespread circulation of his writings after his death made him one of the most influential evangelical authors in the second half of the twentieth century.

—Iain H. Murrary

Product Details

  • Title: Eternal Security
  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 126

About A. W. Pink

A. W. Pink (1886-1952) a native of Nottingham, England, whose life as a pastor and writer was spent in a variety of locations in the British Isles, the United States, and Australia. As a young man he turned away from the Christian faith of his parents and became an adherent of the theosophical cult; but then he experienced an evangelical conversion and crossed the Atlantic in 1910, at the age of 24, to become a student at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. After only six weeks, however, he left to take up a pastoral ministry. It was during the years that followed that he found his way to a strictly Calvinistic position in theology. He was soon wielding a quite prolific pen. As one whose life was devoted to the study and exposition of the Scriptures, he became the author of numerous books which the Banner of Truth Trust has been assiduously reprinting in recent times. No doubt his chief monument is the paper Studies in the Scriptures which he produced monthly and regularly for a period of thirty years from the beginning of 1922 until his death in 1952.

Top Highlights

“The Word of God nowhere teaches that once a man is born again he may give free rein to the lusts of the flesh and be as worldly as he pleases, yet still be sure of getting to Heaven. Instead, Scripture says, and the words are addressed to believers, ‘For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die’ (Rom. 8:13). No, if a man is born again he will desire, purpose and endeavor to live as becometh a child of God.” (Page 14)

“1. Spiritual perseverance is the maintaining of a holy profession or a continuance in the word and doctrine of Christ.” (Page 25)

“The grand fountain-head promise from which all the others flow is that God will be ‘The God of His people’” (Page 44)

“We have no sympathy whatever with the bald and unqualified declaration ‘Once saved always saved.’” (Page 11)

“For any of the elect to perish would necessarily entail a defeated Father, who was balked of the realisation of His purpose: a disappointed Son, who would never see the full travail of His soul and be satisfied; and a disgraced Spirit, who had failed to preserve those entrusted to His care. From such awful errors may we be delivered.” (Page 17)


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  1. Allen Haynie

    Allen Haynie



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