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Products>The Bible Guide - Old Testament: Updated edition

The Bible Guide - Old Testament: Updated edition

ISBN: 9781912552382

Digital Logos Edition

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Digital list price: $41.99
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Hailed as a “classic reference book” by The Right Reverend James Jones, former Bishop of Liverpool, The Old Testament Guide provides readers with a complete all-in-one journey through the books of the Old Testament.

Easy to read and navigate, this volume explores, explains, and brings to life the history, stories, cultures, and messages of each book. The accessibility of Andrew Knowles’ writing demystifies and contextualises many aspects of the Scriptures, and deepens our understanding of their principles, doctrine, and messages for us today.

Interspersed with boxed features that highlight key events, places, people and biblical passages, The Old Testament Guide is an ideal introduction for new scholars and interested readers alike who have little or no grounding in the subject.

This is a Bible guide in two volumes which unpacks the content, meaning and relevance of each book of the Bible.

This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.

  • Brings to life the history, stories, cultures, and messages of each OT book
  • Deepens the readers’ understanding of the OT principles, doctrine, and messages for today
  • Serves as an ideal introduction for new scholars and interested readers with little or no grounding in the subject


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  1. Greg Steward

    Greg Steward


    How does this compare to Knowles "The BIble Guide (2001, Lion)" which includes both OT and NT? I use his BIble guide often when I am wanting to get an overview.


Digital list price: $41.99
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