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History of Dogma, vol. 4

Digital Logos Edition

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The doctrine of Homousia states that God the Son is similar to, but not the same as, God the Father. Although rejected by the Church in the third century, this doctrine became more widespread at a later date in history, and this volume follows the rise of its popularity, addressing the opposing school of thought as well. The First Council of Nicaea, which occurred in 325 AD, was in part a reaction to this Homoiousian doctrine, and aimed to settle the dispute that Jesus Christ the Son was not also God the Father. History of Dogma, vol. 4 explores these thought processes and historic events through the fifth century.

In the Logos edition, History of Dogma, vol. 4 is enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

  • Contains extensive historical background on the Church
  • Provides material well suited for students
  • Includes observations on Christianity as it relates to the philosophy of the early 1900s
  • The Doctrine of the Homousia of the Son of God with God Himself
  • The Doctrine of the Perfect Likeness of the Nature of the Incarnate Son of God with That of Humanity
  • The Doctrine of the Personal Union of the Divine and Human Natures in the Incarnate Son of God
  • The Mysteries and Kindred Subjects
  • Appendix: Historical Sketch of the Rise of the Orthodox System
  • Title: History of Dogma, vol. 4
  • Author: Adolph von Harnack
  • Translator: Neil Buchanan
  • Edition: Third
  • Publisher: Little, Brown, and Company
  • Publication Date: 1898
  • Pages: 353

Adolph von Harnack born in 1851 in Estonia, lived a life devoted to the study of church history and theology. He became a professor at age 24, and taught at the Universities of Leipzig, Giussen, Marbarg, and Berlin until his retirement at age 70. Although he was widely considered to be one of the most influential members of the Protestant church at the turn of the twentieth century, the Church of Germany believed his theology to be off-base and did not allow him to become an accredited clergyman. Harnack’s passion for the history of the Church led him to pen numerous resources on the matter, his most famous work perhaps being What Is Christianity? He continued his studies and writing until his death in 1930.


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  1. Rev.Jacquelyn Winston, Ph.D.
    You have a typo above in the description. It says "The doctrine of Homousia states that God the Son is similar to, but not the same as, God the Father." It should be Homoiousia.


Digital list price: $12.49
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