Digital Logos Edition
The book of Joshua’s exhortations to live a life of faith and fullness found in the book of Joshua are timeless. Finding this call to action applicable to Christians through the ages, H. Forbes Witherby has created a painstaking exegesis of the text, connecting it to the teachings of Ephesians and Colossians, in order to elucidate the underlying implications of the Messianic “type” seen in Joshua.
This volume is essential for students, scholars, pastors, historians, teachers of the Bible, and anyone else studying the book of Joshua. With Logos Bible Software, the volume is completely searchable—Scripture passages appear on mouse-over, linking to your favorite Bible translation—Greek, Latin, or English. Perform powerful searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of “courageous” or “land,” making the text more powerful and easier to access than ever before.
“‘Moses My servant is dead’ (indicating how spiritual blessings are all of grace)” (Page 3)
“From the time of the entrance into Canaan to the fall of the city of Jericho, which is emphatically a type of the overthrow of the organized evil of this world, all went on in the power of God with Israel; the course of the divine purpose was carried out uninterruptedly by the nation, and closing the book of Joshua at the overthrow of that city, there stands before us a brilliant type of God’s ways in bringing in His coming kingdom.” (Page iii)
“Moses, bringing Israel out of the land of Egypt, typifies the Lord Jesus bringing His people out of this world which lies under judgment; Moses, the mediator, and Aaron, the high priest, typify Him leading His people through this wilderness world. Joshua, bringing Israel into Canaan, typifies Christ risen from the dead, leading His people in spirit into the land of glory, and in conflict with the enemy in the heavenly places.” (Page 1)
“Moses, ‘the drawn out’—Jehovah’s servant appointed to bring forth His people out of Egypt—had passed off the scene.” (Page 1)
“The law commands man to do that which, while in his helpless state, he never can do. The grace of God bestows on man, when helpless, a new life in Christ Jesus. The law commands man to reach up to blessing; grace brings blessing to man where he is.” (Page 3)
H. Forbes Witherby also authored The Gospel of Our Salvation and The Child of God.