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Hearing God's Voice


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Based on classic Experiencing God principles, Hearing God's Voice is for those who are ready to listen. Beloved author Henry Blackaby and his son Richard help those who are listening to discern the voice of God, to identify ways He speaks, and to respond to His revelations of His will. God speaks to individuals in ways that are personal and unique to each person. God will never say anything that contravenes what He has said in the Bible, and usually He confirms what He has said. After you learn to listen to God, hearing from God will be as natural as communicating with a close friend.

Top Highlights

“The psalmist issued a grave warning: You will become like that which you worship. Those who worship a lifeless, silent god embrace a lifeless religion that offers nothing but silence. The Christian life is meant to include so much more!” (source)

“Does God speak to people today? If so, how does he do so? It is impossible to read the Bible without seeing a clear pattern of God speaking to people. Yet because some have not heard God speak to them personally, they conclude that God chooses not to speak today. They are choosing to view Scripture from the vantage point of their experience. Instead, people must learn to view their experience against the backdrop of the Bible. When we do not experience the truths expressed in Scripture, it is our experience that is in question, not the Bible!” (source)

“We must not take the words of Scripture and run them through the filter of our own beliefs and feelings in order to decide what the Bible verse means to us. Such an approach mistakenly elevates experience over the Word of God.” (source)

“God will never lead people to act contrary to what he has set forth in the Bible.” (source)

“Two common factors about the dreams are mentioned in the Old Testament: First, they were never sought by the recipients but came at God's initiative at unexpected moments. Second, the dreams were not about minor affairs but usually involved matters of great significance.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Hearing God's Voice
  • Authors:
    • Blackaby, Henry T.
    • Blackaby, Richard
  • Publisher: B&H Books
  • Publication Date: 2002
  • ISBN: 9780805454697


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