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Products>Select Life and Works of George MacDonald (25 vols.)

Select Life and Works of George MacDonald (25 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $239.76
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The Select Life and Works of George MacDonald collection features works from every genre he contributed to. It presents MacDonld’s most famous sermon collections, fantasy novels, poetry, and short stories. The striking imagery of MacDonald’s work has made his stories widely adapted for film and theatre. Considered by many to be a pioneer—if not the father—of the modern fantasy novel, George MacDonald significantly influenced some of the most famous authors who have ever lived including Lewis Carroll, W. H. Auden, J. R. R. Tolkien, E. Nesbit, Madeleine L’Engle, G. K. Chesterton, Oswald Chambers, Elizabeth Yates, Mark Twain, and C. S. Lewis. Several of these authors reference specific works included in this collection as particularly influential, including Phantastes, Lilith, At The Back of the Northwind, Unspoken Sermons, and David Elginbrod. The series also includes a critical but appreciative intellectual biography of MacDonald, as well as a moving account of George MacDoanld’s marriage to Louisa Powell MacDonald written by their eldest son, Greville MacDonald.

Looking for more fiction? Check out the H. G. Wells Collection.

  • Provides 25 volumes of George MacDonald’s best fiction, poetry, and sermons
  • Features George MacDonald’s most famous works, including Phantastes and Lilith
  • Presents two biographical accounts of George MacDonald’s incredible life
I have never concealed the fact that I regarded him as my master; indeed I fancy I have never written a book in which I did not quote from him . . . I know hardly any other writer who seems to be closer, or more continually close, to the Spirit of Christ Himself. Hence his Christ like union of tenderness and severity. Nowhere else outside the New Testament have I found terror and comfort so intertwined.

—C. S. Lewis, chair of Medieval and Renaissance Literature, Cambridge University

Surely, George MacDonald is the grandfather of us all—all who struggle to come to terms with truth through fantasy.

—Madeleine L’Engle, award-winning author, A Wrinkle in Time

  • Title: Select Life and Works of George MacDonald
  • Authors: George MacDonald, Joseph Johnson, and Greville MacDonald
  • Publication Datse: 1858–2019
  • Volumes: 25
  • Resources: 24
  • Pages: 8,372
  • Publication Date: 2001
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Resource ID: {83309DBF-C1C7-4EED-98B9-32E32206608C}
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About George MacDonald

George MacDonald (1824–1905) was a Scottish novelist, poet, and minister. Though he only achieved wide-spread fame posthumously, his work—especially his poignant fairy tales—was highly influential on many of the twentieth century’s most important writers, including Lewis Carroll, W. H. Auden, J. R. R. Tolkien, E. Nesbit, Madeleine L’Engle, G. K. Chesterton, Oswald Chambers, and Elizabeth Yates. C. S. Lewis openly regarded MacDonald as his “master.” MacDonald was educated at Aberdeen and Highbury College. He was raised in the Congregationalist Church, but was uncomfortable with some Reformed doctrines, and he at times departed from Calvinist orthodoxy.


3 ratings

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  1. Jack Hellein

    Jack Hellein


    "and he at times departed from Calvinist orthodoxy" Ya think? "great-souled, hard-hearted Calvin." — George MacDonald
  2. Alex S

    Alex S


    Ok, I understand $200 for HALOT or some other technical resource with a complex markdown. But this... "Regular price" is $190 for the public domain texts that hardly needed any "research editing" apart from converting HTML to Word files. Even so, this collection contains maybe 1/3 of Macdonald's works available from Project [censored] for free. I prefer donating to people who make knowledge accessible to everyone so that money is more likely to go to [censored], [censored], or [censored].
  3. David Leslie Bond
  4. Chuck McKnight
    So excited to finally have this in production. It's been a long but worthwhile wait!
  5. Robert Lledo

    Robert Lledo


    I raised my bid to $40 - anyone else want to raise theirs to get these books out to us?
  6. Eric Fox

    Eric Fox


    I bid $24 on this 3 years ago and it still sits at 60% of the needed cost. I just raised my bid to $40. If everyone who bid $24 did this we would get the books.
  7. Kevin Lawler

    Kevin Lawler


    I can only speak to Unspoken Sermons...They take my breath away and leave me reeling and dizzy with awe and wonder at what God is doing.


Collection value: $239.76
Save $48.77 (20%)
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