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The Anchor Yale Bible: Judges (AYB)

Digital Logos Edition

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The book of Judges records the birth pangs of the Israelite nation. From the Conquest to the Settlement, the conflicts in this book (military, political, and religious) reveal a nascent Israel, struggling to define itself as a people.

The period of the Judges, c. 1200–1100 BC, was fraught with intertribal struggles, skirmishes, and pitched battles with neighboring peoples, and the constant threat of assimilation. The Israelites repeatedly turned away from their God: ignored his commandments, worshipped other gods, and continually sinned. Yahweh raised up judges to lead the people back to covenant faithfulness. In their several roles as priest, prophet, and military chief of staff, these judges heeded God’s call and led the people. In the book of Judges, we get rare glimpses into the exceptional qualities and human frailties of these leaders. The approachable stories, the humor, and even the criticism of the children of Israel and the judges surprisingly illuminate a people in transition.

Logos Bible Software gives you the tools you need to use this volume effectively and efficiently. With your digital library, you can search for verses, find Scripture references and citations instantly, and perform word studies. Along with your English translations, all Scripture passages are linked to Greek and Hebrew texts. What’s more, hovering over a Scripture reference will instantly display your verse! The advanced tools in your digital library free you to dig deeper into one of the most important contributions to biblical scholarship in the past century!

  • Offers original translations, including alternative translations, annotations, and variants
  • Provides verse-by-verse commentary on the text
  • Presents the reader with historical background, including analysis of authorship and dating
  • Features an extensive bibliography of primary and secondary literature
  • The Prelude and the Beginning
  • The History of Israel with the Judges
  • Phase One (3:7–10:5)
  • Phase Two (10:6–15:20)
  • Supplementary Studies
  • The End

Top Highlights

“Yahweh himself remains invisible and will be hard at work ‘till they present right offerings to the Lord.’ In the present context Yahweh has caught up with his envoy, and Gideon is in a three-way conversation without realizing it.” (Page 131)

“Danker also observes a typological treatment in the ridicule of Samson (16:25) and the mocking of Jesus (Matt 27:29, the same Greek verb), the positioning of Samson between two pillars and Jesus between two thieves; ‘the blows dealt their respective enemies in the hour of their death are more devastating than in their lifetimes.’” (Page 220)

“There is a close formulaic parallel between LXX at this point and Matt 1:21. ‘Jesus is, according to the writer of the first Gospel, a second Samson, who comes to play the role of ‘judge’ or deliverer.’” (Page 220)

“It is wonderful. Heb. plʾy. That is, beyond comprehension” (Page 222)

“The term is explained by the institution of one central religious sanctuary, the prime focus of religious loyalties of each of the member tribes, who assume rotating responsibility for the upkeep of the sanctuary one month in the year. The central sanctuary does not, of course, preclude the use of other, local, shrines; it properly presupposes them.” (Pages 19–20)

  • Title: Judges
  • Author: Robert G. Boling
  • Series: Anchor Yale Bible (AYB)
  • Publisher: Yale University Press
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 360

Robert G. Boling is a minister of the United Presbyterian Church and a professor at McCormick Theological Seminary. He belongs to the American Schools of Oriental Research, the American Academy of Religion, and the Society of Biblical Literature, and is editor of the journal Biblical Research.


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  1. Mark A Rioux

    Mark A Rioux


  2. Neil




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