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The Gospel According to John I–XII (The Anchor Yale Bible Commentary | AYBC)

Digital Logos Edition

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In the first volume of Raymond E. Brown’s magisterial commentary on the Gospel according to John, all of the major Johannine questions—of authorship, composition, dating, the relationship of John to the Synoptics (Mark and Luke)—are discussed. The important theories of modern biblical scholarship concerning John are weighed against the evidence given in the text and against prevailing biblical research. In sum, what is attempted is a synthesis of the major scholarly insights that bear on the fourth Gospel.

The translation—as Raymond E. Brown states at the outset—strives not for any formal beauty but rather for an accurate and contemporary version: “the simple, everyday Greek of the Gospel has been rendered into the ordinary American English of today.” The result is a translation that will strike the reader with uncommon immediacy.

Brown also analyzes, in the appendixes, the meaning, use, and frequency of certain key words and phrases that occur in John, and examines the differences between the Johannine and Synoptic treatments of the miracle stories.

The chapters of the Gospel translated here (1–12) comprise the prologue, which opens with the famous “In the beginning was the Word,” and the Book of Signs, an account of the miracles of Jesus and of his ministry.

  • Offers original translations, including alternative translations, annotations, and variants
  • Provides verse-by-verse commentary on the text
  • Presents the reader with historical background, including analysis of authorship and dating
  • Features an extensive bibliography of primary and secondary literature
  • The Prologue
    • The Introductory Hymn (1:1–18)
  • The Book of Signs
    • Part One: The Opening Days of the Revelation of Jesus
    • Part Two: From Cana to Cana
    • Part Three: Jesus and the Principal Feasts of the Jews
    • Part Four: Jesus Moves toward the Hour of Death and Glory
    • Conclusion: Evaluation and Summation of Jesus’ Ministry

Top Highlights

“First, there are differences of Greek style in the Gospel.” (Page xxiv)

“Second, there are breaks and inconsistencies in sequence.” (Page xxiv)

“This first day closes with a reference to the site where John the Baptist gave witness. Closing a section with a geographical reference is common in John (6:59, 8:20, 11:54). This site across the Jordan will be mentioned again by way of inclusion in 10:40, which in an earlier stage of the Gospel may have marked the end of the public ministry. John has other geographical information about John the Baptist not found in the Synoptics, for example, concerning John the Baptist’s ministry at Aenon near Salim (3:23). As Dodd, Tradition, pp. 249–50, insists, these geographical details lend color to the theory that the Fourth Gospel preserves independent tradition about John the Baptist.” (Page 54)

“John does not put primary emphasis on the replacing of the water for Jewish purifications, nor on the action of changing water to wine (which is not described in detail), nor even on the resultant wine. John does not put primary emphasis on Mary or her intercession, nor on why she pursued her request, nor on the reaction of the headwaiter or of the groom. The primary focus is, as in all Johannine stories, on Jesus as the one sent by the Father to bring salvation to the world. What shines through is his glory, and the only reaction that is emphasized is the belief of the disciples.” (Pages 103–104)

“John specifically relates it to the other miracles of Jesus and to a concrete place in the ministry of Jesus. Then John tells us what the sign accomplished: through it Jesus revealed his glory and his disciples believed in him. Thus, the first sign had the same purpose that all the subsequent signs will have, namely, revelation about the person of Jesus.” (Page 103)

Raymond E. Brown was, throughout his illustrious career, internationally regarded as the dean of New Testament scholars. He was Auburn Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biblical studies at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. In addition to his commentary on John in the Anchor Yale Bible series, he has also authored more than 35 books.


14 ratings

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  1. andreas febryanto
  2. Logosed



    Raymond E. Brown was regarded as one of the finest New Testament scholars of his generation. His commentary on John, in two volumes, is unmatched in the English language. The only other commentary to rival its depth and scope is that of Bultmann which is not available electronically. Brown, a Roman Catholic scholar brings massive erudition, with sober judgement and extraordinary clarity of mind. In a world where commentaries on John are as common as translations of the Bible, it is good to know that there is one that is "The Best". This is it.
  3. JT



    A fantastic series. This volume is right up there amongst them. Some points of conjecture will be found within, but that will happen with such a comprehensive approach which is what the AB series is. This is a dated volume, but still quality. Speaking of date; I cannot work out is the dating that Faithlife/Logos etc. seem to use. The website indicates 2008, the actual book publishing data (including example pages attached) indicates 1966. The reprint is 1995 ... so where do these guys come up with 2008?? Not just annoying and inaccurate but could also be construed as misleading.
  4. Benny Amaya

    Benny Amaya





  6. Jim Rudolph

    Jim Rudolph


  7. kim sung joong
  8. Veli-Pekka Haarala
  9. Pastor Kay

    Pastor Kay


  10. Lukas Imrich

    Lukas Imrich



Print list price: $55.00
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